Chapter 1

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Lakes villa California
Summer had  quickly rolled away like it was a night ago and school bells were already ringing. It sounded so much like Mrs Davis yelling her daughters name in the hall way of their home "lumita!Darling, I hope you are getting ready. You don't want to be late for your orientation at the university." Replying very loudly from her room, lumita assured her Mum she was almost done with dressing up. Mrs Davis had been talking on and on about how lumitas first year at the university will be. She cries most times , thinking of how  lonely  she will be with out lumita but what can she do?
            Rolling her luggage down the stairs of her luxurious home, lumita stoped for a moment to look at her house one more time before she leaves it and the feeling of loneliness started surfacing again "Not this time."  She said to her self and continued rolling her luggage. Finally getting everything of hers to the car she called out to her Mum to hurry up as well. Looking at her Mum descend the stairs, she admired her mums grace and beauty. Truly Mrs Davis was a rare beauty. She had light brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, slender curves which were outlined by the her blue satin dress she wore and dark brown eyes. She had a captivating smile which showed her white set of teeth. All this and more made every one at first sight to fall in love with her and lumita was grateful to have her as a mother. She walked towards her Mum and gave her  a tight  hug "I'm  going to miss you Mum. So much." She said and she could feel her tears drop from her eyes unto her mothers dress. Placing her hand over her daughters she gave it a tight squeeze  and said softly " I will miss you so much to lumi. Always remember I love you and I will always love you till death."
   Putting all the luggage into the car, they drove of and left the house as quiet as a grave yard. The neighbors could tell by the  quietness that lumita had finally gone of to school.
           The orientation was over and lumitas' Mum left her almost in tears but she had to pull her self together,knowing she was going to see her again. Accessing her new  environment, lumita concluded that university was indeed beautiful. A lot of  buildings, cars, trees and boys. " Mum thought she could keep me from socializing, here comes everything and i do not no where to start from." She thought to her self.
She giggled as she remembered her mums words ring like a bell in her head " boys are bad news lumi. They use you and ... BAAMM... they leave you." . Humming to her favorite song, she carried  her knapsack  with a smile, of to the administrative block.
Night before
"The blood brothers
We drink blood
We eat flesh
We kill for happiness"  this was repeated by the boys in  the blood brothers occult group. "young man for you to grow you have to get the head of a girl. She has to be pure. She has to be clean or else your sacrifice won't be accepted and you will die. Do you understand ?"  The head of the occult said, his voice raised and his eyes unshaken from the position it was: looking at the blue flames of the fire burning in the middle. " yes my lord. I will do as you say "  a voice said from behind. It sounded tight like it was choking.
University was not as fun as lumita expected it to be. Snobs every were , no one looking at her let alone hear a word she said. She sat down on a bench and said to her self " No one wants to help me out. Everyone is just sooo... I just want to go home" Her head on her lap, she couldn't hold back the tears so she let them flow. Lumita was a very naive young girl who needed help but no one came.
After a while lumita felt a Hand on her back
"Hey what's up " said a voice  from behind  her
  " please I want to be left alone " she replied in between sobs
" I cannot leave you, knowing fully well that you are crying . No gentle man will do that" the voice said again this time with more concern. After much convincing,  lumita agreed to wipe her face, after wiping her face she  looked up to see who she has been talking to and she was taking aback by his appearance. He had  green eyes with very long hair bent backwards , he wore a black body hug shirt which reveled his muscle large arms, he wore a black ripped jeans and black boots. Also he had a cheeky smile which reveled his white set of teeth. His looks reminded her of the Prince Charming she watched  when she was younger. Lumita immediately straightened her hair  and stood straight.
" I am heading to the hostel for first year students and I guess you're one." He said looking at her and smiling. Looking away from him, lumita replied "yes I am and you are the first person that is asking and trying to help"  her tone reveled
Her sadness. " hey it's okay. University is always full of snobs and trust me when I say I know how u feel because I was once a first year student. Don't worry you will get  used to it." He said looking straight into her blue eyes  " it will be my pleasure to show you to your hostel" he added with a smile . Lumita was so pleased with his gentle nature. He looked like he was in his early twenties so lumita decided to ask what year he was in . "what year are u in. " she asked  " I am in my second year" he said  " my name is Ashtley shinston , what is yours? "  he asked in return. "My name  is lumita Davis " she replied. " it will be my pleasure to accompany  you today " he said in a  calm voice ." The pleasure will be mine " lumita answered feeling more at ease with the young  man.

   Ashley shinston proclaimed all the qualities of a promising young man and it was noticeable  through his gesture, peace and gentleness. Breaking the long silence between them he spoke
" so what do you do for fun?"
" well nothing much just pictures, games and  I read when necessary " lumita answered looking straight ahead.
As they moved, Ashtley studied her and decided to ask how old she was." Pardon me if I may ask, how old are you " he said still looking straight ahead to avoid eye contact  and also not to make her feel uncomfortable. " I am 17 I will be turning 18 by November" she replied almost immediately. They walked again, this time with out saying anything till they reached the dome for first year students. " Here is the dome for first year students. Walk  further a bit and turn left you will see a lady. She will be the one to sign you in . Here's my card in case you need anything feel free to call" he said  and handed the card over to lumita. " I will . Thank you very much" she said. He gave her a pat on the back and kept on walking. Lumita  could only thank this stranger for showing up and helping her. After Looking at the card he gave her , she slipped it to the back pocket of her pants and moved into the dome. Listard university was not so bad after all, at least there are good people but will this thought go on for long in lumitas mind ?

                                                                                      END OF CHAPTER

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