Chapter 1: Justice.

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   "Peter--remember, that with great power, comes great responsibility." Those were the last words of my Uncle Ben as he layed down on the floor as I tried covering his blood to stop it from getting out. I planned webbing him in front of everyone, but when I saw where the bullet went, I know I couldn't web his heart inside. He lasted about 10 seconds before he had to leave and for it to be the last time I would see him alive. That man who shot him will pay for what he has done. Big time.
   I get up, walk through the crowd, turn right and slowly start runing faster as I take my shirt in rage and put on my mask. I jump up the highest I can to the top of the building and start running as fast as I could. I move to the left, jump down, and make a big swing to go faster.
   I see the crook get off his vehicle and run inside an old-left-alone warehouse. I make one more swing and land on the wall of the warehouse. I quietly get inside through a broken window and head to the criminal on my feet. I immediately jump to the roof as I hear him open the door to this room.
   He slowly backs up to calm down and take a breath. As soon as he hears the cops, he gets back up, turns around and sees me. "You'll pay for what you've done to my Uncle.", I tell him as I let go of my web and stand up correctly. "Your Uncle? Is it the old man I just shot,", he asks me as he starts chuckling. "Yeah.", I reply with anger. "Well look boy, get out of my way before I shoot you the same way.", he tells me as he points the gun to my head. "What's so damn funny?!", I yell at him as I punch him in the stomach, immediately grab his hands with the gun, twist it, and do an upper cut. "Ahhhh!!", he screams in pain.
   "Is it really funny?? Why aren't you still laughing??", I tell him with my teeth touching each other hard. I let him go and he immediately grabs the gun, points it back at me and tells me, "Back the hell off I blow your head with one move you make towards me.", he says as he backs off and accidentally trips over a metal pole and falls out through the window. "Ahhhh!!", he screams as he falls.
   All of a sudden, the screaming stopped. "We just heard a scream and saw somebody falling out a window. Check outside.", the cops tell the person behind the walkie talkie as they're about to walk up the next floor. As soon as they entered, I was in the wall outside. "The Man seems to be--webbed--up.", they say as investigators enter and take pictures.
   By the time the cops checked outside and around, I had just left home.

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