A/N: Hey guys, I just want to tell you now that I read over this like 3 times (I'm sorry to say this but the first one totally deleted and I had to re-write the whole thing D:<) and this one doesn't seem so much like a horror but this is sort of like a "feels" thing. I guess it's like a sad pity story. Sorry about that but I feel like posting this. OH!! COMMENT ON WHAT I SHOULD RIGHT ABOUT NEXT!!! I'M DESPERATE FOR IDEAS!!!!! Please enjoy ~XxJeff_the_KillerxX
I just moved in with my newly wed Elizabeth. She is so beautiful and she always deserves the best. I would never let anything horrible happen to her. Before showing her our room I wanted to make sure it was perfect so I ran throughout the house looking for a room. I found one that had beautiful sky blue walls and a perfect tone of bamboo flooring. It was the ideal room, perfect for my love.
The day the movers came I made sure that our belongings would go in every spot. Nothing unopened and nothing out of place. I walked into our room again to dust a bit before anything comes in. In the room was a big 7 feet tall mirror with black wood surrounding it. It looked decent so I pushed it into a corner, I'll just ask the movers later about it. After cleaning and arranging the room I showed Elizabeth. She hugged me and giggled a bit. Of course I hugged back, but I was filled with joy.
I called the movers the next day about the strange mirror. They seem to have no idea on how it got there, they said nothing was in the room before and nobody saw any type of mirror about 7 feet. It's really strange once I think about it, Elizabeth is at work right now and I'm left at home. I just hope she comes home soon so we can figure out the mirror problem.
The hospital called me today...they told me the worst thing possible.....my love......d-died....by a drunk driver. I want to punch him so badly and beat him up bloody for this. Fortunately he died also, my poor love is dead and I may never see her again.....
The tears won't stop coming out my eyes. I've stared at the mirror for 20 minutes and nothing has happened besides my sweet Elizabeth is in the mirror. It may sound strange but I don't care anymore. As long as I get to see her, but it did something very, very disturbing...the Elizabeth in the mirror ripped her head off. I threw up at the foot of my bed to see the horrible bloody sight, but she laughed at me. The head juggled in the arms of my sweet kind wife was laughing at my pain. I must get out of this house now.
It's been a day since the.....the.....little mirror incident and I moved into a house I just rented. I went to bed for a short time until I felt something near me. My heart nearly stopped seeing the mirror in my room and the once living Elizabeth in it. After a week or two I couldn't take it, having to see my wife cutting off a body part everyday then the next being fine.The only solution is...death...the police would think I'm crazy if i told them about this. I went off to a store and bought some rope and dragged a chair in front of the mirror. For the first time she wasn't laughing, she was crying. I guess she didn't want me dead but she wanted me to suffer. I hesitated a bit to see her like this but I had to do it to end this pain... I tied a noose out of the rope and hung it to the ceiling. Put a chair on the bottom of the rope and stood on the chair. I took a last look at Elizabeth then put the rope around my neck, wiped some tears away, and before I kicked the chair away, I mouthed my final words to my love "I love you" and ended it all.