Where Do We Go From Here?

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  "Kylie? Kylie! Kylie?! Come on you have to stay with me." I was shaking her as hard as I could, but I couldn't get any response from her, not even an eyelid flutter.  

My "daughter" was laying in a pool of her own blood, and more was coming out every second. Everyone gathered around me, and my first thought was to get her to the hospital. I made the motion for my suit to come on, and then I grabbed her. I flew her off to the best hospital that Jarvis could find within a few miles. I immediately ran her inside, and they set her onto a gurney. I watched doctors and nurses run Kylie down the hallway while yelling out all different sorts of codes and commands. I couldn't bring myself to move from the hallway, so I stood there and waited. 

"Tony, c'mon. At least sit down in the waiting room. We can't do anything more now." I turned, and Bruce was standing next to me. I nodded, and reluctantly followed him to the waiting room. All the Avengers, Fury, Agent Hill, and even Coulson showed up and were all sitting around in the waiting room. 

"Hey guys." I said, sitting down. I began to tear up thinking of how much pain Kylie must have been in, and I rubbed my eyes vigorously to get rid of the tears. I didn't want my team to see me cry. 

"It's alright Tony. Kylie's strong, she's gonna pull through. We'll all be here for you and her. We just have to wait to hear how she's doing." I nodded, and sighed. I threw myself backwards in the chair, and got on my phone. I texted Pepper and Rhodey to let them know what was going on. Every time someone walked by, I shot my head up, hoping for some news on Kylie. We had been waiting for over 5 hours, and everyone had cleared out of the waiting room. Finally, a doctor came through and yelled, 

"Is anyone here for Kylie Stark?" My head shot up and I stood. 

"I am. I'm her father/ uncle. How's she doing?" The rest of the team had gathered behind me. 

"Well, there's some good news and some bad news. She has had so many injuries in such a short amount of time, that her body has started to shut itself down." My eyes widened, and I felt myself start to tear up again. Someone put a hand on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Rhodey and Pepper was behind him. 

"However, she is in an induced coma right now to allow her body to heal, and her odds of full recovery are very good. However, it is going to take a long time for her to recovery physically, and most likely, there are going to be a lot of mental repercussions to this sort of trauma." 

"But she's very likely to recover fully?" I asked, moving towards my team. 

"Yes. Right now she's still in a private room in ICU, so you can go see her now if you wish." I took off at full speed until I reached her room. I threw open the door and ran to the side of her bed. 

"Oh Kylie. I am so sorry. I'm so so sorry that this happened. I promise, when you wake up and get better, we're gonna go away for awhile. Nobody will bother us. It'll just be you and me, and we'll be safe, and you can be a normal kid for awhile." I whispered as I held her hand. I heard the team walk in behind me, and they all crowded around her bed. Bruce and Steve went across from me, and started talking to her. 

"Hey Kyles, we're all pulling for you. Just take your time and get better. We'll all be here when you wake up." They ran their hands through her hair, and they kissed her on the forehead. Her doctor walked in and cleared his throat. 

"Alright guys, visiting hours are over, but Mr. Stark, if you'd like to stay, we would allow that and can get you a cot in here" he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the team, and they nodded. 

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you. And guys," I turned to my team "Thank you guys for coming here with me. It really means a lot. Go home and get some rest." I hugged them, and they all hugged back. 

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