Five Letter Foreign Word

10 2 0

Is that so hard
One word Five letters
Something foreign to you
The world does not owe you
And quite frankly neither do I
You stopped being my father
When I was no longer being treated like a child
I owe you nothing
And all that you've given me is lies
I can't trust you
And you don't care
You don't listen no matter how hard I try
No words can get through to you
So that's what you'll get
All those years have been nothing but lies
So I don't owe you
And everything is broken
The truth can't set you free
And neither can I
So later when you're old and alone
Remember these days
Those lies and untold truths
Will be the reason why
And that one word
That could have fixed it
That one foreign five letter word
Could have been that one
Substitute for the truth

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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