Chapter One

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Rylee's Pov:

I sighed as I looked for a decent song to listen to on this hellish bus ride over to our next match. You'd think in this day and age, finding a decent song would be easy. Not really though, I have over three thousand songs, and I still can't decide. Not to mention that the girl next to me has been eyeing me the entire ride over, slightly annoying me. However, she was a teammate/friend/weirdo. I did my best to shut the rest of world out by placing my sunglasses on my face.

"Alright girls, are you ready to kick their butts?!" Coach Hoffman asked us. I drowsily cheered with the other girls, not really paying attention as I turned the volume as loud as it possibly could go. I'm sure she was giving us more of a pep talk, but I wasn't too keen on listening to them before, so why stop now? Tegan and Sara came up next, finally a decent enough song. I leaned my head on the window as I let the music lull me into empty thinking. Next thing I knew, I was being tapped on my shoulder by the girl sitting next to me. I opened my eyes and saw we had arrived. 'That was rather quick...'

"Come on Rylee, we're here." She said as she handed me my gym bag.

"Thanks Ashley." I said with mock humor as we slid out of the seat.

We were playing our first match of the year today. It was at a lower-ranked school so, I wasn't in much awareness of what was going on. As we took the field, our uniforms on and ready to go, we all took a seat on the opposite side as the other team. I looked at the other varsity team and scoffed. 'Why am I being so cocky?' Most likely because... I know we're going to win.

"Alright, let's do some basic warm-ups." The coach ordered, the girls and me standing up. Ok, pass the ball then dribble, then pass again. This was easy as hell. I rolled my eyes as I watched the other team do the same drill. Some of them were rather... bad. However, my eyes caught onto a girl who was doing very impressive moves with her feet. A few times I swear she was about to lose control of where the ball was gonna go but, amazingly she'd catch it at the last second with her other leg. I became highly distracted. So distracted, that I ran into Dylan, the goalie on our team. I growled in annoyance as everyone, including people in the stands behind us, laughed.

"Pay more attention, Gisslen." The Coach ordered. I chewed on the inside of my cheek. I looked over to the other team and noticed she had been giggling as well. I felt my cheeks light on fire as I quickly went back to doing passing drills. About twenty minutes went by and the stands were starting to fill up with friends from the school and family members. I felt my face drop as I saw my mom and dad sit in the bleachers. I did smile as I saw that they brought my younger brother, Hayden. He was only seven and adored me. Ok, enough about my personal life. The game was about to start.

"Alright girls, take your positions!" The Ref instructed a few seconds later. I rolled my head in a circle to release the tension on my shoulders. "Captains, please report to me for the coin toss." My teammates took their places on the field as I walked to the center. I noticed their captain had stayed the same as last year. She met me at the center, a bitchy stare towards me. I smirked.

"We're gonna win." She said in a boyish voice. I felt my face scrunch up. 'Girl, what the hell did you eat?' I didn't bother to say anything to her in fear of her speaking again.

"Ready? Moorpark, heads or tails?" The ref asked as he flipped the huge coin.

"Heads." She said as she continued to glare at me. I looked over her shoulder to see the girl I had been watching earlier. 'Fuck me, she has an intense glare and she's cute as hell.'

"Heads it is. Pick your term." The girl chose for them to have the ball first. I shook my head, offering a smile as the game started.

The first thing I noticed was that the majority of the passes went immediately to this new girl. We were constantly fighting for the overall capture. My heart was racing a million miles a second as I was pushing my legs to keep up with her; my team cheering me on as I scored a goal. I stole the ball a few times from her, showing my own tricks off. I nearly made a face plant as she skidded right under me, leaping up in half a breath and charging away from me with the ball in her control. I stood there, star-struck as I watched this amazing girl run away from me.

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