Chapter Thirteen

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Rylee's POV:

We searched the arcade area for what felt like days, but was really only a few moments. Those little fuckers left! I ground my teeth as I looked at the time on my phone. 'Ugh... way to ruin the day boys!' 

"What if we never find them, Rylee?" Autumn's voice sounded so worried, which in turn pissed me off even more than I already was. 'Why couldn't you two just stay put!'

Autumn was now searching every game booth, asking the workers if they spotted them. However, asking if you've seen two small blonde boys, one with blue eyes and one with green eyes, is not much to go on.

Everyone we asked gave us the exact same answer, 'Sorry, but we see a lot of small children described like that. Maybe you should go to the lost children area, they might have been brought there.' Autumn hearing this every time, was making her rather upset. I placed my hands on her shoulders gently, but that seemed to make things worse.

"Autumn, come on. We'll find them... I promise. Let's just go to the lost-." She turned around and glared at me. She was about to cut me off, when a flash of red caught my eyes. I looked over her shoulder to see the two brats we had been searching for for the past god damn hour. I glared at them as I watched them climb off some kiddie ride. Autumn must of noticed my staring and turned around for herself.

"You have got to be shitting me, right?" She asked as she grabbed my hand, storming over to them. "What the heck you guys?!" She yelled at them, causing them to jolt as they looked up at us. I looked over at Autumn and noticed her face to be expressing how she was really feeling. "Do you know how worried you made us!?"

"But... but... we told you where we'd be! We kept trying to tell you guys, but you kept talking over us..." Hayden said as he gave us a sad and sorrowful look. Autumn sighed as she looked up at me.

I smiled, taking off my aviators and placing them on Hayden, wanting to laugh at how much bigger they were on him. I took a knee in front of them, looking at both of them as they looked miserable for thinking they did something wrong. I gave Autumn a quick glance before speaking.

"Look, we're not mad at you two. We were just extremely worried that something bad happened. You guys are really young, not even 10 years old yet, so please try and understand that you mean the world to us and protecting you from bad people is our goal." I stood as I stared down at the sadden duo. "Awe, cheer up. We're not mad at you guys. Just next time, make sure we either hear you, or go with you. Is that understood?" They both nodded as Joel smiled a toothless grin. I couldn't help but laugh, pat them on the heads and turned to see an amused Autumn standing before me with her arms over her chest. "What...?"

"Nothing... just shocked at how well you handle situations like these." She smiled as she walked in step with me, her arm draping over my shoulders. When I turned towards the sunlight though... I regretted giving Hayden my glasses.

"So, how's about we ride the roller coaster? Then call up the parentals to go have dinner?" I suggested as we all headed to the heart of the park, loving the feeling of Autumn's arm over me. I gave her a quick glance before looking down at the boys.

"Yeah! Do you think we're tall enough?"


We had dinner at some nice steak restaurant, and my god did it taste so good... I mean... the lobster better taste good if we're paying forty bucks for it! Autumn and her family were of course reluctant about the idea, but I pulled her aside and reassured her with a kiss. She blushed and playfully hit me on the arm, calling me an idiot for almost getting us caught. I didn't care if we got caught though. Her sister already knew and the boys are too young to get it yet.

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