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" = someone talking

' = someone thinking

Jake's Pov

We were about to leave for the trip to Florida, and I was trying to find Tessa to say bye before we left. I walked up in the direction of her room, only to find Chance standing by the door. I casually stood there and listened to their conversation for a while, but all the flirting made me sick. I walked away from the room as silent as possible, so Chance and Tessa wouldn't hear me. I wonder if they like each other? I'll have to talk to Chance once we get back.

Chance's Pov

About thirty minutes after Team 10 and Anthony had left the house, I decided to see if Tessa had any ideas for what we could do tonight. It was about dinner time, so I decided to ask her if she wanted to go out for a bite to eat.

"Hey Tessa! You busy tonight?" I asked as I climbed onto the trampoline beside her.

"Not really. We could go get dinner or something," she responded.

"I had the same idea! What about sushi?"

"That would be great! I love sushi!"

"Yup, I know," I muttered under my breath

"What? Sorry didn't get that"

"Oh, nothing. umm. I was just talking to myself," I quickly make up.

I walked away, blushing. I had... a form of a... date? With Tessa! This was the beginning of something new. Maybe...

Tessa's PoV

this was so amazing, I felt like I was in a teen romance movie! The guy I... like? No not like. Could like, asked ME for dinner. 'Is this a date?' I wondered. No, we barely know each other. But it could be THE START OF SOMETHING NEW!

(if you don't understand this reference, then just leave please. jk don't leave, please read our story and vote. ALWAYS PLUG.)

I decided to chose my outfit for tonight. I grabbed my white tshirt, black ripped jeans, and my jean jacket. I threw my jacket on and tied up the tshirt so it looked like a crop top. While curling my hair, I realized that this friendly date could be what leads to Chance and i being a thing. A THING. Wait- I probably shouldn't be thinking about the future, because I met him only a week ago. But there is something about him that I can't seem to get away from. Some connection or electricity between us. I can't like him though, not yet. I pushed the thought out of my head and continued on getting ready, now to the makeup. Grabbing my purse, I walked downstairs to see Chance waiting by the front door. He was just wearing jeans and a button up, but he looked really good.

"Wow," he said, "you look great!"

"You too," I say back, blushing.

Chances PoV

The moment I saw Tessa walk down those stairs, everything and everyone else disappeared. She looked beautiful. I stood there awestruck while Tessa just stood on the stairs, looking into my eyes. After about a minute of this, I realized we were staring and ended up mumbling out, "You look great!". Wow, Chance. Real smooth. What about 'you look beautiful, Tessa'. Or, 'you look amazing!'

"Thanks, you do too!" She said back with pink cheeks. Then she walked down the rest of the stairs and out the front door. I followed, but walked ahead of her to the uber. I opened the door for her, and let her step in the car before closing the door and going to the other side of the car. I hope this date with Tessa goes well.

Thanks for reading! Comment down below any feedback or suggestions you have for me! Next Chapter will be out ASAP! Also I worked with ryrylm on this whole story so go follow her!

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