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chapter #7 -

" = someone talking
' = someone thinking

AJ's PoV

I know I told Jake I would do this for him, but, this may be a step too far. breaking in through jakes room. And only to see if chance and Tessa like each other. It's obvious they do, can we end there? Sadly, I have to do what Jake asked.

I slowly followed Chance and Tessa back to the team 10 house, but stayed back a bit. Once they went inside, I called Jake.

"How am I supposed to get in without them hearing or seeing me?" I ask through the phone.

"Get the ladder from the side of the house and climb up to the balcony outside my room. You can break the door to get in. I'll replace it when we get back." He replied.

We ended the call and I walked to get the ladder. The "couple" was on the couch so I had to stay as far from the doors as possible. I set the ladder up and started to climb. I had seen a baseball bat next to the ladder so I had grabbed that to help me break the door. I dropped the bat down on the balcony and climbed over the railing. Why didn't Jake have a spare key or something. Why do I have to break the door?

I swung at the glass and it shattered. That was was too loud. I heard a scream from downstairs. Probably Tessa. I unlocked the door through the glass and walked in. I dropped the bat in jake's room so I could start sneaking downstairs, until I heard footsteps coming up. They heard me for sure. I ran back out and climbed halfway down the ladder and jumped the rest. I didn't move from the side of the house just in case they were to look for me outside.

I ran back to the ladder and climbed up. I no longer need the bat, so I left it where it was and nobody would realize it was missing. Since I was already in, all I had to do at this point was set up a camera for a while and then I could totally ignore it all. I didn't have time to listen to everything, but this way, Jake could himself. I set up the camera so you could see the two on the couch and hopefully hear them, but they wouldn't see the camera. I silently crept back up to Jake's room. My job was done until tomorrow. I escaped from the balcony and went back to my car where I had some things to work on. I would later go back to retrieve my camera and report to Jake.

Tessa's PoV

I was woken up in the middle of the night by chance not being very coordinated but, now that I'm awake, I might as well check my phone. Lately there has been so much #chessa posts and videos on twitter and Instagram. I didn't mind them. In fact, I kind of enjoyed watching them. Those moments make me realize how great he is. As a friend. Just friends. Why can't I get the thought of us being more off my mind? Maybe I do like him. I can't do this to myself. I need to talk to him and if I wait, I'll procrastinate more.

I got up and walked to his room. I stood in front of the door and I already was regretting this choice. I had to, so I walked in.

"Tessa, what's up? Why aren't you sleeping?" Chance questions.

"I can't stop thinking. About us. I tell myself I don't like you, but here I am and I don't know what I'm feeling. This probably makes no sense and I am probably just being stupid because you won't like me, but I need to talk to someone about how I feel and I think you should know," I ranted on and on, "Maybe I do like you I don-" I stopped talking when Chance kissed me. It lasted only a second, but it felt like time stopped. Everything I was thinking before went away. All I knew, is that I really like this guy. This great guy. He's smart, funny, cute, athletic, caring, sweet, and perfect.

"Sorry," he mumbles, "I just... I really like you Tessa. I denied it too, but I can't get you off my mind since we met."

I hugged him, my arms around his waist. He hugged me back and I layed my head on his chest. This was perfect.

Chances PoV

This was perfect. I finally realized how I felt, and at the perfect timing. Tessa actually likes me back. I didn't even believe it. She's so amazing and talented and beautiful. Wow, I'm falling hard.

The hug finally broke after about 2 minutes. I couldn't imagine anything bad in this moment. My phone started to buzz. Really? Who needed to call me right now? I was sitting here with Tessa and they had to call me right now. It was Tony. I answered and put him on speaker and immediately regretted it.

"Hey so how's it going with Tessa? Are you guys in love yet? Have you made out?" Tony immediately asks in a super girly voice.

"Hey Anthony!" Tessa says so he now knows she's there.

I take him off speaker. "I hate you," I say jokingly.

"Did I call while you had a... moment?" he mocks me.

"Nah, that was earlier, but we were chilling and talking and stuff. How about I call to you tomorrow and we can talk then?" I suggest just trying to get him to hang up.

"Okay, but you have to explain tomorrow," he finally agrees.

"Okay bye," I immediately say, hanging up. I just want to talk to Tessa. Right now it's just us.

"Are we a couple?" Tessa asks me after a little silence. I hesitate to answer. If she's asking, does that mean she does or doesn't want to be a couple? If I make a move, will that show that my answer is yes? Should I make a move or just tell her yes?

"If want to you." I blurt out, "if to want you," I continue to stumble over everything I say, "Do you want to be a couple?" I finally manage to get out.

Is this too fast? We barely even know each other. I'm shaking.

Tessas PoV

He asked me if I want us, to be a couple. So he's asking me to be his girlfriend? We don't even really know each other though.

"Maybe we can keep it down low for awhile and if we still feel this way, we can go from there. I don't really know you though." I got myself together finally.

"Okay," he says. I can almost hear the disappointment in his voice. But he's smiling and it's a genuine smile. I think we're on the same page. We decide it's late and we should sleep, so I give him a hug goodnight. As I'm about to leave his room, I stop in my tracks. It's not too fast is it?

I walk out before I say something I shouldn't. I climb back into my own bed and fall asleep to the thought of our kiss.

-next day-

I wake up bright and early, excited to go to Disney with Chance. After what happened last night, it might be a little awkward, but it also might be a great opportunity to get to know him better. Then we can maybe- just maybe- be a couple.

I peek into chance's room and see that he's still dead asleep. Wow, what time is it? I check my phone and it's 7. I never wake up this early!

I walk downstairs to start on some egg whites and avocado for breakfast today. I grab two bowls, an avocado, and some eggs from the fridge and turn on the stove.

Chance's Pov

I wake up to the sound of something sizzling on the stove. I grab my Jake paul merch (link in bio) and throw it on while running down the stairs. I see Tessa cooking eggs on the stove and can't help but think of how beautiful she looks this morning.

Once I have my plate of eggs and avocados, I sit down on the countertop, completely disregarding the fact that there are bar stools right in front of me. "So, you excited for our day at Disney?" Tessa asks me while jumping on the counter next to me with a plate full of eggs. "Yeah, I've never been! It's gonna be so lit," I reply.

We hop in the car and....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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