7. They Know

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I walk through one of the many isles in the grocery store. I pick out the items I need and place them in my basket. As I walk, I start to feel a bit...strange. Almost as if someone is staring at me. I look around and notice two heads popping out of the corner of the isle. They immidetly turn back when they see that I have caught them spying on me. I think nothing of it and I carry on. They're probably just shy fans.

I start looking for the sugar when I realize it is in the isle the two girls just went into. I sigh as I start walking towards it, hoping they are gone so that I don't have to make any awkward interactions. Usually I wouldn't mind talking to fans, but today I really don't have the energy. Plus, I feel a bit more anxious then usual.

Luck was obviously not on my side. I hear them as I get closer. 

"...of course its him! Just get here quick, before he leaves!" one of them whisper yells. As I turn the corner I see that she was talking on the phone. They snap around to face me once they hear me.

Were they talking about me?

They blush and just stare at me with wide eyes. They look about thirteen years old. I smile awkwardly as I try to walk past them.

"You're amazingphil, right?" one of them asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Oh my god! I told you!" she tells the other girl. Then, she turns to me. "Hi! We love you! We watch all your videos!"

"Aw, thank you," I smile at them.

"Can we take a picture with you?" the other girl asks, excitement written all over her face. 

"Sure," I smile at them.

I can handle this.

After we take a few selfies, they are off on their way.

I continue getting the things I need. Once I have everything, I go to the self register to pay for my things. As I scan the last of the items, I notice a fairly large group of girls walk in. Most of them wear my merch.

Oh god no...

They split up and start to look around. Some of the other shoppers look at them, surprised. I would too, they're pretty loud.

"You look over there!"

"He should still be here!"

"Omg, I'm in the same store as amazingphil!"

I quickly put on my sunglasses, which I carry around for occasions like this, and pull up my hood. I shove the money into the machine and start to throw all of the food into plastic bags. I manage to fit them into two bags. I take a deep breathe and pray that they don't see me. I keep my head low as I start to walk out of the automatic doors. I am about to sigh in relief when I hear one of them say, "I think that's him!"

Without turning back, I start to speed walk to my car. Then, I realize that's a bad idea. 

What if they see me get into my car? Then they'll know what it looks like! And what if they get my license plate number?! They can probably find my address with that! Then they'll know where I live! They'll stalk me and never leave me alone! 

My head starts to fill with 'what if...' questions as I freak out. I decide to walk straight past my car and look for somewhere to hide. I make the mistake of looking behind me. There are at least ten teenage girls running after me. I turn around and start to run as fast as I can.

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