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I have only skipped class maybe once or twice in my life, and all for valid reasons

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I have only skipped class maybe once or twice in my life, and all for valid reasons. A dentist's appointment, basketball training, basketball competitions, Dana's ballet recitals, family vacations... Alright, maybe more than twice, but definitely less than your average hooligan, I suppose. 

I probably would have been able to get passes for all those occasions, but I figured the school would understand. Our father is one of their biggest benefactors and that comes with certain perks which is hard not to take advantage of. But, I doubt they would be sympathetic to how I was unable to go to class without seeing Hadilynn and Alexis, two virtual strangers who had managed to find Dana and I in dreamland.

After clearing the mist, I made myself comfortable, knowing that Dana would show up. Sometimes she did after a little while, and other times she was already there for me. Only once had she actually spoken to me. Most of the times though, she was more like a comforting spirit. One I can't see very well. I always thought she was probably just a figment of my own imagination and that sometimes I recall her with better quality, other times with less. Now I know better. Or I would, soon.

If I could somehow confirm that last night happened for all three of us, it proves that it was real for her too. The three of us couldn't make her up simultaneously.  

They simply couldn't. 

Neither one of them know her well enough. 

If she was there, then she still exists and there is a chance Dana could still be awakened. It seemed like a small possibility by a long stretch, but it was better than nothing. And for the longest time, nothing was all I had.

For our 17th birthday, Dana and I both received a car of our own choosing. Dana chose a horse and named her Tigerlily. I'm sure father wasn't expecting that, but he took it with good grace and kept his end of the bargain after Dana convinced him that horses are also a mode of transportation. I went with a more practical alternative and actually got a car, effectively making me Dana's driver. But it is worth it to be behind my father's vintage Bentley. I have loved it all my life. And now, I was behind the wheel, hurtling towards Sunny Hills Highschool.

I knew exactly where the school was - I had to pass it every time Dana craved for a Hazelnut Chocolate at Cafey, the very cafe I first met the two girls. I whipped out my phone and with one eye on the road, sent Hadilynn a quick text: Could you grab Alex and meet me at your school's sports ground?

oookay? gimme 5

About 10 minutes later, I was parked at the entrance of the school's sports ground. There was a track field and three basketball courts. Two to the side of the field, and one near the back where the pool was. Overlooking the tracks, by a long and steep staircase leading to the school building, were shaded bleachers and I could see where delinquents might hide for a smoke or where students might go to play hookie or make-out. Despite the countless games the school has hosted, I have never been here simple because our schools didn't go against each other. I sighed deeply. I had loved basketball with a passion, but I stopped playing the night Dana was taken to the hospital. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't see the two figures approaching hesitantly until they were almost upon my car. In a bid to dispel their doubts and awkwardness, I got out and waved to them. 

"Holy." Alex said, touching the exterior gently, eyes as wide as saucers. "I didn't think they made them anymore."

"They don't, it's my dad's." I answered as humbly as I could, "I know this is kinda sudden, and you two probably weren't expecting me..." The two girls shoot their heads in agreement, "And this is going to sound so silly... But last night, did it- did it really happen?"

I didn't know what I expected, for them to laugh in my face or question my sanity.

"Don't worry big D, you're not crazy." Alexis laughed without reserve. I looked at Hadilynn who looked to the ground, "Not for me," She muttered. "I only remembered half of what happened. But Alex filled me in." She held out her hand to me and I reached for her unconsciously before realizing she was passing me a note.

"We conducted an experiment," She explained, "Alex passed this to me last night, and I woke up with it in my pocket."

It took me a second to comprehend the implications of what I was holding in my hand. I searched their faces for a lie but they stared back at me with trust. "Okay..." I say slowly, folding the paper along the creases that were already there. "At least we learnt something, the place is real. Tangible, even. We could use it to our advantage, one day."

Alexis let out a gasp and buckled slightly. I moved towards her, meaning to hold her up but she held out a hand to keep me away. She was dry heaving in such a way it seemed like a panic attack or an asthmatic episode.  

"Are you alright?" I inquired, genuinely concerned for her. But that only seemed to make her worse.  

"Sorry!" She squeaked and I realized she was trying not to laugh. "It's just a little hard- to-" She took a deep breath and said quickly, "To get used to all of... This!" Her arms spread wide in my direction.

"Um?" I wasn't quite sure what to make of it until Hadilynn stepped in, "She means she's sorry if it seems rude, but she's having a hard time acting like a normal human being."

At that, the smaller girl composed herself and muttered, "Sorry." But I could see the twinkle of tears in her eyes and the humour she found in the situation.

"Well, uh, hold on to your socks... 'Cause there's plenty more where that came from!" I joked, which earned me a rueful look from Alexis and a sympathetic smile from Hadilynn. I shrugged, "I tried."

"And that's what counts." Alexis answered, full of sincerity before telling me what she planned to do tonight which was to search for others, and hopefully find someone who knows what's going on. Or at least, someone who knows more than us. We can't be the only ones. 

"That's actually a great idea, I've never really tried exploring the area or thought of doing it at all." Why would I? It was more than I could ask for to have Dana by my side again. Hope surged in me, the hope that this new knowledge will bring me a step closer to having her back for real.

"Then it's a date! We'll see you again tonight!" Alexis said enthusiastically. 

There are two kinds of people in the world, the kind that drain you of your energy and the kind who recharges you and fill you with positivity. Alexis is the latter. She made me feel that my plans were entirely possible, and that I couldn't wait to get started.

"Wait, you drove all this way to make sure it was real? How about class?" Hadilynn asked, ever the practical one. I nodded sheepishly.

"It's the only way to be sure." I defended my actions. 

"Yeah, well, you could have just texted." She said gently.

"Some things are better said face to face." I answered with a smile and heard a loud cough from Alexis, "Oh stop flirting, you two!"

Hadilynn's pale skin seemed to light up in a hot shade of red before turning stiffly to her friend, "Really? That's your revenge?" And to me, she explained about Alexis and the long standing flirtationship she shared with her older brother. Whatever that was, it sounded fun and sweet. Innocent. But I understood how it might have been disturbing, especially since it was between her best friend and her brother.

We stood there, skipping class and getting to know one another until Hadilynn reminded us that we should get back to class and talk later. After all, we had the whole night. 

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