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we got to her in time, thks. cam decided we shd all ditch today so we're all by the beach

It took me all of two seconds to make up my mind. I excused myself from class and rushed over, fueled by the kinship I felt for the girls. A psychiatrist would have a field day with these attachments which have seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Adults have always been stubborn about what they are capable of accepting and what is absolutely unacceptable. Teleportation is available at an exorbitant price? Big whoop. Dreams killing teenagers? Impossible. It seems as though age stops them from being able to suspend disbelief.


I almost jumped right out of my skin. The booming voice caused me to swerve to the side of the road.

Heart pounding and palms chilly, I take a few deep breaths. Slowly.

Was it a hallucination?

I look up into the rear-view mirror, not expecting to see anyone. Still, I hoped for an explanation. I quell that desire as I felt irony wash over me. I condemn adults for their need for technological backings, yet here I am, unable to accept the fact that while we may not understand how things work, it doesn't mean they aren't. Faith is a burden many choose not to bear.

"But sometimes," I recall from memory, "you need to take that leap."

I don't say her name out loud, but I know. Dana's trying to warn me. The rest of the drive to Orion's Beach was silent and uneventful. I even turned off the radio to try and figure things out. Conditioning myself to overlook the how, because the more important question is why.

Turning to the rocky paths surrounding the beach, I spot a generic smart car and parked next to it. The old and the new - a picture of oddities! Dana would have appreciated it.

Harmony, she would probably say.

Harmonious, I would have agreed.

But she isn't here now. The constant ache for her tugged at my heart. And Alex almost went the same way.

"How's she?" I asked while coming up from behind Hady. I found my eyes drawn towards the two silhouettes, framed by the sun and sky. One broad and the other waif-like.

"She... She's fine, you know? Mentally... And physically, of course. Only - I don't know, she was covered in blood - wasn't hers - but the thing is, she should have been traumatized." Hady said, sounding conflicted.. "But it's Alex. She's Alex." She finished and turned her gaze towards them, effectively ending the conversation.

I put my arm around her, trying to offer what comfort I could while contemplating her words. Alex, her beloved best friend. Alex of strong character, unfazed by the experience. Alex who now stood with her arms open, twirling as Cameron threw something at her. I withdrew myself from Hady and approached the two. As I got closer, I saw the bag of peanuts Cameron has in his hand and realize he's been trying to get them into Alex's open mouth.

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