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Hello my lovely readers,

I have finally decided to finally post my new fanfic that I have been working on for a while now. This is just the prologue and the first chapter will be up in a few days.

Thanks for reading and I am sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Hope you enjoy.



Tears filled my brown eyes as I stood by the tree, watching the beautiful golden flowers that surrounded the grave of the man I once loved. Suddenly, memories came rushing back. I closed my eyes as a tear left a salty trail down my cheek. I hated crying because it showed weakness, but for him, I made an exception. Indeed, I did miss him terribly. There were times I sometimes despised him for his actions, the job he did, but most importantly I hated the man he became. The man he was, made me become the woman I am, ruthless.

It was freezing cold; the wind blew leaves around my ankles as I remembered how the bond with my former partner was now forever broken, and how the images came to me as a form of those tragic documentaries romance movie. Yet, the emotions were never taken out. I remembered what got the ball rolling that lead me here.

A beam of moonlight pierced through the glass and directly on the bedroom curtain. Standing in the middle of the semi-dark bedroom, I could hear his heart beating. It was happening again. The coldness from the floor went through my feet and up my entire body.  He was calm and very collected, knowing exactly what he was about to do to me. His breathing picked up, and I couldn't help but swallow. He was about to do it again and I was about to let him. My hands began to sweat, eyes began to fill with tears and my body was frozen. I began sniffling. He is really doing it.

His black leather boots hit against the wooden floor, loudly, making me jump back as he walks his way towards me. My body tensed up in fear. Standing two inches above me, smiling. He couldn't help but admire my beauty. My brown eyes and perfectly full, soft lips were his favorites.

"Please don't go." I whimpered. He took my hands in his and studied me. Tears all of a sudden began to form in my eyes. Again, I was not the type to show any emotions for I was told it was a sign of weakness. Except this moment was different, I was standing before the man I love and he was about to walk out of my life, forever.

"I have to. I can't keep hurting you." I immediately hugged him. I couldn't believe his words; the tears ran down my face. He pulled away from me, couldn't look me in the eyes anymore.

"That's not true. Tell me why you're really leaving." He stood in silence for a moment. "Because I don't love you." My heart broke in half as those words left his lips. It simply couldn't be true.

"I don't believe you!" I yelled at him. He shook his head. "Love, I know the truth hurts, but I could no longer keep hurting myself for you do not deserve me. I hope you understand. I have found another woman. Now you have to make a decision to let me go for I do not nor did I ever love you."

As those words left his soft lips, I felt the world stopped. I felt like I might lose my damn mind. The shock felt too intense, too unbearable. I just stared blankly at him as I felt sorry that I wasn't what he wanted. I grew angry but I was not angry at him. I spent years with a man I had loved but who never loved me back. I was mad at myself for giving my body and soul to him when he did nothing but abused it. I felt powerless, traumatized, and empty. He has taken everything away from me. Every last piece of good that I had in this world was definitely gone. I could no longer look myself in the mirror without feeling disgusted. He had destroyed every good part of whatever purity and sanity I had left. I no longer knew who I was anymore. I was gone. He had turned me into something dangerous, I too was sometimes afraid of who I had become.

I knew I was blind and indifferent to what the word "truth" meant, that I saw darkness everywhere I turned. My sins became my own company and obstructed my vision. At times there is no way for me to reach a pinch of light without getting lost or destroyed limb by limb. There were times where I would lie awake reminiscing on what I have lost and the person I have become. I was somehow, always, caught between who I am and who I want to be. I could still hear his husky voice whispering in my ear "You are weak." His soft lips pressed against my forehead sending chills down my spine.

"You have to make a choice, Lauren." He spoke so softly that those words had become a song I couldn't seem to get out of my head. At times I thought I was crazy. How could I make a decision when I wasn't even sure who I was or what I wanted. He raised my chin and caught my gaze. I was a mess of gorgeous chaos, and he could see it in my eyes. We gaze at each other for a moment when I started to cringe as I looked into his cold blue eyes; it was like heaven yesterday, now I was feeling a bit dead.

In his eyes, I saw the woman I once was and the woman I have become. Knowledgeable, tender, and nurturing was what I was. However, those characteristics did not qualify with the world I lived in or the man I was with. I then grew into the person I would never be, HIM. He took one look at me and knew I was the perfect version of him. Brilliant, rebellious, quirky, but most of all, deceptive. He hadn't realized the magnitude of pain I was in. I have come to realize that all of a sudden I was really tired. Like the world had finally drained me of who I really was. I was a noble person, but I knew I was no angel. For I was a sinner, but for sure did not consider myself the devil. I searched many years trying to find the good within, but I loved mystery so much that I became one. I am a murderer; I killed the girl I once used to be. I have finally lost my existence in the world. He finally got me. My body and mind now crave what I have been feeding it, HIM.

Now, what I have been desiring most is myself. The person I used to be and killed along the way and the person in the present but with no clue about my future. "Time is running out. You have to make a decision, Lauren." Those words repeated about a million times, I was going insane. Then I remembered my mother's old saying "Child, in order to get what you want, you have to take it. Even if it means you have to do the unthinkable."  Those words I never forgot. "I'm sorry," I spoke, pleasantly. He froze. Fear in his eyes and palms sweating. He never thought I would be a better version of him. I had gotten better but then I remembered what I was trying to get away from. I remembered the things that tore me apart. I knew I was back at the start. "Forgive me if you if think I have changed and missed the person you thought you knew." I pressed the gun firmly against his forehead and I did the unthinkable...I pulled the trigger.

I shook my head bringing myself back to the present day from that horrifying past of mine. I knelt beside the grave and placed a single rose by the headstone. I stood up and wipe my face dry. I bowed my head to my lost companion knowing that I had finally defeated one of my demons. The rest I will soon have an encounter with.


Thank you guys for reading.

Please Vote and leave a comment, it would mean the world to me.

I love you all so much.

Look out for Chapter 1 in the next few days.

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