Chapter two

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Elizabeth's POV

I woke up and warmth was surrounding me.


A word I thought I would never use when I woke up in my apa-


I'm not at home.

The place I was laying on was really soft. And my couch has never been soft.

I felt warm and safe and in the past years I have felt neither of those feelings.

And then... I remembered.

Yesterday at the cafe... those men... sitting in a car... and that's all I remember.

Wait if sitting in a car is the last thing I remember then how did I end up in...

...a bed???

What the...

And then I felt movements.

Beside me.

In the bed.

Two strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into something hard and VERY warm.

I guess it was someone's chest.

Someone's chest.


A nose was put into my neck and the person behind me inhaled and exhaled slowly.

I think that person is asleep but I'm too scared to look.

I don't even want to know who I'm in the same bed with.

I tried to get out of that someone's grasp but that someone held on tighter.

I was about to try again but...

"Where you going, baby girl?"

A very husky and sleepy voice and I stiffened instantly.

I remember that voice.

It belongs to Alexander Knight which means that... I'm...... in the same bed with...... the most feared mafia boss......... ever.

I gulped.

"Don't make daddy ask twice, little girl."

"S-sorry da-"

Oh my gosh.

Was I actually about to call him...

Elizabeth you need to GET YOURSELF TOGETHER.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

I was lucky the room was dark so that he couldn't see my flaming cheeks.

"Well, little one? You going to answer daddy why you woke him up that early?"


Come on Lizzy think of something!

"I wanted to go to the b-bathroom."

"Are you lying to daddy, baby girl?"


"No what?"

"N-no d-daddy..."

"Good girl. You can go to the bathroom but leave the door open."

"Y-yes daddy."

I got out of the warm bed and almost ran into the bathroom. I was about to close the door but then remembered what he said. I didn't want to make him angry so I left it open.

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