Chapter three

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Elizabeth's POV

They look kinda familiar...


They're the guys from yesterday!

"Morning girly!" I think Jake said that. Anyways he had purple hair. I'll name him purple until I'm sure who is who.

I blushed and hid my face in daddy's neck and in response he tightened his arms around me.

The other two guys only chuckled in response to my reaction.

Daddy walked to the counter in the middle of the kitchen and put me down on the chair that was next to it.

He walked away from me and I looked down trying to hide my face behind my hair.

"No need to be shy sweetheart."

Purple and blondie walked closer to me and purple raised my chin with two fingers.

I shyly looked up into his baby blue eyes and he smiled at me.

Then he squealed and looked at blondie.

"Isn't she cute Lucas?" he cooed.

And they both looked at me smiling warmly.

Lucas/blondie took a strand of my hair and put it behind my ear.

"Of course she is. You're a lucky one, Alex."

Daddy chuckled from where he was standing in front of the fridge and looked at us.

"I know I am."

He walked back to us with some food in his hands.

"Would you like some fruit and berries baby girl?"

"Yes please..."

An eyebrow rose.


And he smiled in response.

He smiled.

Oh my.

I think no one has seen him smile.

I stared at him wide-eyed.

I looked at purple and blondie and even they looked surprised.

Daddy looked at us confused.

"Alex did you just smile??"

Daddy smirked.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

"B-but you never smile." purple stuttered.

"Strawberries, baby?"

"Yes daddy."

I smiled at him shyly.

He saw this and his face lit up with the brightest smile I have ever seen.

"I think I'm going to faint." purple said fanning himself.

"I feel you bro, I feel you." Lucas patted his shoulder still staring at daddy with disbelief.

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