George Weasley x Haylei Schaefer

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Heya! I loved writing this. Something different. And sorry for all the time skips and the lack of a  real plot in this one.

From @xvoidxstilesx :)) sorry for the long-ass wait...

~ ♣ ~

"Haylei! Another letter from George!" Haylei heard her mother call her. Haylei jumped up from her bed and ran to the kitchen. She saw her mother holding up a letter in her hand. 

"Thanks, mum." Haylei smiled happily as she took the letter from her hand. Her mother laughed. 

"You've been writing to this Weasley-boy all summer." she said while opening some bills. Haylei rolled her eyes.

"He is my boyfriend, mum. And I haven't seen him all summer." she sighed. She truly hadn't seen even a glimpse of her beloved boyfriend. George had been caught up in some weird 'Order of the Phoenix' stuff, living in some address that she wasn't allowed to go to. 

"I mean, why not just call him or something? These owls are very impractical." her mother questioned. Haylei rolled her eyes at her muggle-mother. 

"Mum, they don't have cellphones. We have been over this subject before." she laughed and headed towards her room. 

"Well, they could really use one!" she heard her mother shout at her. Haylei laughed and plopped down back on her bed. She opened the letter carefully. She smiled as she saw George's familiar messy handwriting.

Haylei pulled the letter out and started reading.

Dear Haylei

Sorry for not answering your letter quicker. Things have been crazy here, that's probably all that I am allowed to say. I really would like for you to know more, but I don't want to drag you into this mess. It is somewhat dangerous.

Fred and I have been developing some new joke products! With these Extendable Ears we were able to listen to the 'grow-ups'  talk about all this Order-stuff. Fred and I have had our share of fun here, though it would have been much nicer with you accompanying us.

School is starting again, soon! I can't wait to have you in my arms again. I have missed you so much during this summer. Another month would be pure torture. 

Even though I'm not really excited about the school-part, but it is our last year. I really want to spend it with you. Every last second of it. And I reckon you feel the same.

I can't wait to see you again! Miss you!

Love, your amazing boyfriend, George Weasley.

Haylei put down the letter and smiled happily. How she missed George. But on the bright side, school was starting again soon! And she could spend the whole year with George. And Fred, since they are basically inseparable. 

Haylei pulled a box from under her bed. She took the top off to reveal multiple letters, all from George. Haylei kept every single letter George had written her. Haylei smiled at the letters and added the newest one in, after reading it once again. She closed the box and slid it back under her bed. 

She laid down on her bed, reminiscing the first day that she and George officially had met. It was like written by faith itself. 

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