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-29 years ago-

"Peter! Where are you?" I searcher far and wide for this lost boy. He was no where to be found. "Peter, I'm not kidding! My brother wants me back on the boat before sun down!" There was still an eerie silence that encaptivated Neverland. There was not a single soul to be found.

"Leaving so soon?" Peter's voice startled me and I jumped back. I quickly turned around at see Peter with a huge grin on his face.

"You have to stop scaring me!" I complained and gave Peter a kiss on the nose. We have been going out ever since my brother's ship casted here. My brother, Hook, always loved Neverland. He tries to stay here as long as he can.

"Come on Clara! You have to live a little. Don't listen to your brother! You can stay here tonight!" Peter begged, lacing our fingers together. He started to walk to the shore where you can see the Jolly Roger moving in the ocean.

"I don't know," I tucked my dark brown hair behind my ear. "He seemed different this morning. Like something was bugging him. I don't know really, but I do not want to get on his bad side."

"I get it. Just promise you will meet me here at sunrise tomorrow." Peter twirled me around so that I was facing him. He pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Like I have a choice! You always flash me off of that boat if I like it or not," I tease. Its true. Since I am not strong enough to row a row boat a mile to Neverland, Peter just flashes me on and off shore.

"Well be ready this time. I don't want to flash you to Neverland again with your pajama's on again." Peter laughed.

"I promise I will be ready." I told him. He unlocked our fingers and moved his hands to my lower back and hips.

"I love you Clara." He whispered into my ear before kissing me.

"I love you too, Peter." I told him back between the kisses. "i would love to stay for a while longer, but the sun is setting."

Peter gave me a final peck on the lips before he flashed me off the shore and on to the deck of the Jolly Roger. My brother was pacing around the deck with a hand on his brow. Sweat was dripping off his face with worry painted all over it.

"There you are Clara! Thank God you are here! We have to go," My brother called to me from across the boat.

"What are you talking about? We can't just pick up our things and leave! I am meeting Peter again tomorrow," I whined as my brother paced towards me.

"Its not like you will never see Pan again. We just have to go to Snow White's castle. Their baby is about to birth and we have to be there. It will only be for a few days," Hook expressed to me.

"But Hook!" I complained. How am I supposed to tell Peter about this. If I am too far away from him, he can't flash me to Neverland.

"No 'buts' Clara. You know the rules. When I say we are going, we are going! Its our obligation as their citizens to be at the royal palace when the birth of their first child is born. I don't make the rules."

"Fine! If you need me I'll be drawling in my room," My tone was harsh and unnessiacarly rude. I don't want to go to the royal castle! The evil queen always does something that prevents us from leaving as early as we wanted to, so we stay there for a month or so.

I stormed off to the lower decks and went into the second room on the right. I grabbed my sketch pad from my windowsill. I flipped through at least 20 pages before I found a clean canvas. The idea came to my mind. If I was going away for a long time to the royal castle, I better draw a picture to remember Neverland.

Remember Me || Peter Pan/ Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now