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"I want to go home, Felix. Please take me home," I cried in his shoulder as Felix rubbed my back to calm me down.

"Clara, you know that I have no power over Pan. If it was up to me, then I would let you go, but I can't. Pan would have both of us killed on site," He explained. Soon after, Felix kissed my forehead and held me tight.

" I don't know how much longer I can be here. All I want is to feel safe again," I murmured in Felix's warm chest.

"You will feel safe. I am with you, Clara. I will protect you. I have you my darling girl," Felix whispered.

"I hate it here."

"I know, I know. But I have you now and we are going to have a day out," He smiled and pulled my chin up with his thumb and pointer finger so that I would look him straight in the eyes.

"What? What about Pan? Would he ever let us go out? I mean, he doesn't trust me," I stammered on, babbling nonsense.

"I may not be able to disobey him, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I'll just tell him that I am taking you to the beach or something to teach you how to swim. Something innocent or like that. Although, I don't know how innocent our little outing will be," Felix smirked and winked after the last part.

"Felix!" I stammered and hit his arm playfully.

"What, sweetheart? You know that your dying to be alone with me," Felix teases. "Stay here, I'll go and speak to Pan."

"Okay," I said with a smile coming in my face. "Don't be to long."

"Of course not!"

Felix left, but before he did, Felix kissed my cheek. When he strolled to Pan, I placed my fingers over the place he kissed. Why does he make me feel this way? How?

I sit patiently on a log as I wait for Felix to come back over. He was taking longer than I thought. My back was towards most of the camp so I couldn't see what was going on.

I have no idea what I am doing. Being here, staying in Neverland without a fight. This fantasy that everything will be okay, will be broken and shattered to pieces. I really need to focus back into reality where there is no happy endings.

While in my pensive state, I vaguely heard soft footsteps coming from behind me. I didn't turn around, I just kept staring in the distance.

"Hey love," Pan spoke with his voice ringing through my ears.

"Urg," I rolled my eyes. "Pan, what do you want?"

"What are you really going to do with Felix?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"We are going to the beach. Simple as that," I smiled, challenging him slightly.

"Clara, we both know that, that, would never happen. You don't belong with him. Clara, you belong with me. You always have and you always will."

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but I am going to the beach with Felix," I retorted and made my way over to Felix.

"Wait!" He called, rushing over to me.

"What now?"

"I do love you, Clara. I know that I can't express it any other way, but I am in love with you," Pan breathed while taking my face with his hands. "You are my one and only love."

"I need to go. Felix is waiting for me."

"Let him wait, Clara. Just kiss me, please. Kiss me now, tell me that it means nothing, and I will let you have your little date with my best mate," Pan begged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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