Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine - Ivy

Saturday had been one of the best days of my life. After climbing Cupid Hill, we went back to my house and watched movies, until Eric had to go home for dinner. Barely an hour later, he climbed through my bedroom window and we continued our movie marathon. We fell asleep next to each other, but when I woke up he was gone. He'd left a note saying he'd be gone all day, visiting relatives, but that he'd see me at school tomorrow. I'd been disappointed that I wouldn't get to see him, but now I'm thinking it might be a good thing. Maybe I needed a little space from him, to clear my head. He still hadn't kissed me and I needed to resign myself to the fact that he might not ever get around to it. He might just consider me a friend. He's called me beautiful more times than I can count, but that doesn't really mean he's interested in me romantically.

So I spent my Sunday doing homework, reading, and then talked to my brother. He was still seeing his new girl and seemed really happy. He asked how my life was going and promised to visit me soon. I didn't tell him about Eric. I was scared to. I didn't want him to be disappointed in me and I didn't want him to warn me away from Eric yet again. It was too late. I couldn't stay away from Eric now.

Monday morning dawned and the sun seemed to be shining brighter than normal. I don't know if it's just because I woke up in a good mood or if the sun really was shining that bright. I went to the window and stared at Eric's. As if he sensed I was there, he suddenly appeared and opened his window. He leaned his elbows on the ledge and simply smiled at me. He didn't say anything. He just looked at me. I, nervously, tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and tentatively smiled back.

Finally he said, "I'd ask you to ride to school with me, but I have basketball practice after."

I nodded, "Its ok."

"I'll see you there?" He asked, smiling and leaning further out the window. I could easily close the gap and place my lips against his, but would I totally shock him if I did. He hadn't initiated a kiss again, so I wasn't sure if he really wanted to kiss me. I decided to hold off on taking the plunge with a kiss. I didn't want to be embarrassed if he didn't want to kiss me.

Smiling at him, I nodded, "I'll see you there."

Eric winked and closed his window, before disappearing. I closed mine and went to my closet, deciding maybe it was time I took a little more care with my appearance. I didn't want to change who I was. If Eric didn't like me before, then I don't want him to like me if I were to dress up or do my hair. I could make a couple of changes, though, and not feel like I was kicking my old self to the curb. Instead of my old, worn out jeans, I pulled on a crisp new pair. They were fitted and clung to me like a second skin over my hips and my ass. Instead of a t-shirt, I pulled on a fitted blouse with a row of sequins around the collar. It was a royal blue color and I felt like it looked really nice with my skin tone. I'd only worn it one other time, so it was practically new. Instead of my worn out tennis shoes, I stepped into a pair of black flats.

I went to work on my hair next. I usually barely touched it with a brush and just put it up in a messy ponytail. Today, I decided to leave it down, so I went to work detangling. Then I straightened it, taking away my natural waves and making my hair appear longer, as it flowed down my back. I then stepped in front of my full length mirror, to study the end result. I wasn't a makeup kind of girl, so I wasn't going to bother. I didn't even personally own makeup, so even if I wanted to wear any, I'd have to go borrow from my mother. I was happy with my end result. The person staring back at me was still me, she just looked a little more confident.

For some reason, butterflies began to flutter around in my stomach as I grabbed my backpack and any books I'd need. I went downstairs and grabbed a pop tart on my way out. I didn't think that I could currently eat anything, with the way my stomach was tied in knots, but I figured I'd be hungry at some point. On my short drive to school, I tried to figure out why I was so nervous. It was just another day. I didn't even have any tests scheduled and no big projects due. So what was my problem? When I arrived at school, I studied the groups of people gathered around and it hit me. I was nervous, because I didn't know how Eric would act today. Would he acknowledge me here? He said he'd see me at school, so I assume that meant he would acknowledge me. How was I supposed to act? Were we friends now? I didn't really like a lot of attention. It made me nervous, so the thought that Mr. Popular might actually give me the time of day and the attention that would gather, I became nauseous.

With my nerves jumping and dread spreading through my bones, I got out of my car and made my way inside the school. As was my habit, I kept my head down and didn't make eye contact with anyone. So when someone stepped into my path, I automatically stepped to the side in an attempt to go around them. When they moved with me, continuing to block my path, I finally looked up and my stomach dropped. Charity Owens, with her posse of friends, was glaring daggers at me and I knew this would be the first exchange that would change my social life forever.

Her eyes dipped, as she took me in. I stiffened, waiting for the inevitable attack. It didn't take long. She suddenly laughed, cruelly, "I don't see what he sees in you. You're plain. You're a mouse. I eat people like you for breakfast."

I knew it was stupid, but I found myself saying, "Well, that's your problem right there. He isn't into cannibals."

Charity sucked in her breath, "Don't talk to me like that, you bitch. I'm the superior one here. I look down on you, not the other way around. You are nobody. He'll be bored with you in no time and then he'll come crawling back to me."

I smirked, "Charity, he can't crawl back to you because you never had him and you'll never have him. You might have still had a chance, but that was until you stupidly went after his little brother. He'll never want you now."

Charity opened her mouth, but before she could retort, someone came up behind me. They moved to my side, before casually slinging an arm around my neck. I expected Eric, but was surprised to see it was Alex. He was staring, coldly, at Charity as he said, "Do we have a problem here, Owens."

Charity transferred her glare to Alex, "Stay out of this, Baldwin. This is between me and this bitch here."

Alex stiffened, "See, that's the thing. Ivy has a name and it isn't bitch. Actually, you're the bitch in this scenario. What Ivy says is true, any affection Eric may or may not have felt for you died a quick death when you slept with Timothy. You're done, Charity. Glance around you and tell me that you still feel like the superior one."

Confused, Charity looked around and was clearly surprised that her posse had scattered when Alex showed up. It was clear, by the slumping of her shoulders, that she was beaten without her backup. She stomped her foot, growled, and then marched down the hallway, away from us. I shook my head as I watched her go and Alex finally released me. He smirked, as he ran his eyes down my form, "Looking good today, Montgomery." Then he winked and started to walk away.

"Alex! Please don't tell Eric about what just happened." I hurried after him.

My request stopped him in his tracks and I almost ran into his back, but stopped just in time. I took a couple steps back as he turned to face me, with a frown on his face, as he asked, "Why the hell not?"

I winced, "I already feel responsible for this whole fiasco. If Eric hadn't come up to me in the cafeteria last week, then Charity wouldn't have gone on her rampage. She wouldn't have targeted Timothy. Eric and Charity would still be friends. So I don't want to put even more stress on Eric by telling him about this."

Alex looked at the ceiling in exasperation, before telling me, "Ivy, none of this is your fault. Charity and Eric never had a relationship. At one point, they might have been friends, but it's not your fault that friendship died. Charity did that all on her own. She's been throwing herself at Eric for years and he was ready to ditch her as a friend even before you entered the picture."

Tears began to sting my eyes, "I just don't know what to do about any of this. I'm the nerd who sits by herself at lunch so she can read. Why in the world is this happening?"

Alex smiled, "Eric likes you. It might take a while for that pussy to admit it though. He's such an idiot when his feelings get involved. I can see the appeal, though. You're not really as much of a nerd as you think you are. Well, you are, but you're so much more than that. I've never seen another girl talk back to Charity the way you did. Show Eric that same sass and you'll have him hooked for life."

I'm suddenly having trouble breathing. I still couldn't make sense of any of this. A week ago and I'd never talked to any of these people in my life. Now this. Alex patted me on the shoulder and began walking away again. I rushed out, "But I still don't want you to tell him!"

"No promises!" Alex tells me with a wink, before rounding the corner.


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