Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen - Eric

I'd been so pissed when Ivy's family kicked me out. So when Ian called I hadn't been expecting it. On the one hand, I wondered if it had been Ivy's doing, when they suddenly wouldn't let me back into her room. Maybe she believed the lies I'd told Charity in order to distract her away from Ivy. I was doubting it though. Ivy was too smart for that. So it had to be her family that didn't want me around. Then Ian called and asked me to come back to the hospital. Since I never left the hospital it took seconds for me to reach Ivy's room.

Ian frowned, when I stepped into her room, "That was fast."

I shrugged, "After you kicked me out, I've been hanging out on the first floor trying to figure out what to do." I looked at Ivy, "You feeling ok?"

Ivy smiled and reached her hand out to me. When I took it, she said, "I'm better now."

I returned her smile, but then Ian grumbled, "Isn't this sweet? So how long until you dump her and move on to your next conquest."

"Ian!" Ivy scolded.

Apparently it was high time that her brother and I had a discussion. He had some preconceived notions about me that weren't true and I needed to set him straight. I glanced at Ivy's parents, wondering if I should ask Ian to step into the hall with me, but decided everyone needed to hear this. With Ivy's hand still in mine I angled my body toward Ian, "Look, if I had a sister, I'm sure I would be extra protective of her. Hell, I watch my brother's like a hawk most of the time and try to protect them from the world. Sometimes, though, we don't always know what's best for our siblings. I'm not a bad guy, Ian, and I'm not the man-whore you think I am. I've dated quite a few girls, but I wasn't intimate with them. The only girl I've ever been intimate with...well, we weren't a couple and we are both in agreement that we never will be. She's a nice girl, I respect her a lot, I don't necessarily regret our time together, but I wish I would have waited. I care about your sister and would want to kick my own ass if I ever treated her badly, so you don't have to worry about that."

Ivy squeezed my hand, reassuringly, but I didn't take my eyes off her brother. I refused to back down. He already kicked me out of this room once and I wasn't going to let him do it again. I loved Ivy. It happened fast, but I wouldn't change it. I wanted to be in her life and as long as she felt the same way, then I wasn't going anywhere.

Finally Ian's face shifted from one of hostility, to one of respect, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Ian clapped me on the shoulder and simply said, "Ok."

There was less hostility in the room after that, until Ivy's mom suddenly announced, "Benjamin, I want a divorce."

"Ok." Ivy's dad stated.

"Ok? Just ok? That's all you have to say?" Her mom ranted.

Benjamin sighed, "What do you want me to say, Vicky? We haven't been in love with each other for a long time. I know you've had affairs and you know that I've done the same. So why fight this? This is the first time we've been in the same room with each other, in months, and we wouldn't be together now if it wasn't for what happened to Ivy. So, yes, just ok."

"You kids ok with this?" Vicky asked of her children.

Ian snorted and Ivy said, "It doesn't really affect us. Like I already said, you two haven't been around, so I don't really care what you do. I doubt Ian does either."

"You got that right." Ian grumbled.

"Fine, well, that's settled. Should we get the ball rolling? Go meet with a divorce attorney?" Vicky huffed.

Benjamin shrugged and a moment later they were gone. I squeezed Ivy's hand, "Are you really ok?"

Ivy wiped a lone tear from her eye, "I'm sad for the couple they used to be. I can remember, when Ian and I were younger, some really good and happy times. I'm sad, because we'll never get to repeat those times, but honestly, I haven't spent any quality time with my parents in over a year, so truthfully it doesn't matter. They've been pretty shitty parents lately."

"I'm sorry." I tell her.

A moment of silence settled over the room, until Ian said, "So, you tell me that you're a good guy and aren't using my sister, but you can't lie about wanting to get into her pants. You're a dude, I'm a dude, let's have some real talk."

"Ian." Ivy growled and I sighed. So much for thinking I'd have an easier time getting along with Ivy's brother now.

"Real talk, sure. Yes, I'm a dude and I find your sister very attractive, so yes, I obviously would like to get into her pants, as you so eloquently put it. That isn't my only goal, however. I care about her...a lot. I'm in love with her."

Ian choked and Ivy grinned, "I love you too."

Ian muttered, "Ok, let's back this train up a bit. Don't you think you two are a bit young to be professing your love for each other? What do you know about love? Ivy, we've watched our parent's marriage die a slow, painful death, so they haven't been the best example for us."

Before, Ivy could respond, I squared my shoulders and said, "Yes, we're young, but give us the chance to prove you wrong."

"Fine, whatever, but if you come at my sister without using protection, I'll cut you in your sleep." Ian stated.

"Too soon for cutting jokes, you jerk." Ivy glared.

"Who is joking?" Ian smirked.

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