Chapter Six: Weight of Us

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Hitomi walks heavily along her companions who aren't really her companions at all. She felt uneasy around Team Seven. And, albeit this being her first real mission, she had knots in her stomach that she could not explain. She was hardly nervous, knowing the Hokage wouldn't dare send them into anything that they could not handle. But there was this inexplicable feeling of a premonition that hung in the air around her, and it bothered Hitomi.

None of her teammates felt the weight that she suddenly bore.

Kakashi whistled unknowingly beside them, carefree even, completely indulged in his disgusting book. Sakura chatted amiably to her teammates, never once thinking to include Hitomi. She sees me as a threat , Hitomi realizes. But from what? She should not have been as bothered by Sakura's coldness as she was, sure. She knew that. But sometimes at first glance, she would mistake her for Mana. Realization would soon follow as Sakura's deep, jade green eyes would meet Hitomi's own and disappointment would stab at her heart. 

And maybe that's why Sakura resented her. She can sense my disappointment but doesn't understand it. 

Hitomi just wanted to feel like she belonged. But she didn't. And she knew she wouldn't as long as she flitted between the rookie teams because she did not have her own team to belong to.

And yes, Naruto had tried to make that feeling disappear for her. He tried to include her when he wasn't completely oblivious to his loneliness. But sometimes that made it worse. To single her out and proclaim her weakness. These days, Hitomi was too lost in her own sadness when someone was being nice to her or if it was just pity. 

Sasuke was the only one who was truly impartial to her being here. He was disinterested. And that, in itself, was comforting. Hitomi could sense tragedy in him, as well. But she knew nothing of it. He was the last Uchiha, she knew. But that was as far as her knowledge went. No one dared to even talk about it. 

She felt that, perhaps, they were kindred spirits. But then, it wasn't the same at all. 

And then, there was chaos. 

Someone, she wasn't sure who, pushed her and she fell heavily to the ground. She looks up just in time to see a kunai whiz past her head and petite hands grab at her, pulling her up. She realizes she hasn't been paying attention and that they're being ambushed. "Hitomi, are you okay?" Green eyes are staring at her and she's beginning to feel dazed. 

Hitomi doesn't have time to respond as Sakura runs past her to protect Tazuna. And then Sasuke to protect her. 

Where was Kakashi?

She was starting to feel panicked, a weird, familiar warmth starting to pulse over her skin. And she couldn't control it. But she couldn't let her teammates die. Not again. She couldn't let them-

The man was rushing at Sasuke and he seemed prepared to fight-but could he win?

Hitomi could feel something building in her stomach and it hurt.

But they couldn't die. She couldn't let them die.

Kakashi killed them before she even had time to blink. 

And it was sick, but Hitomi felt relieved. 

Naruto had been cut. His hand had been cut and Kakashi-sensei had just informed him that the blade had been coated with poison. Hitomi watched as he cut his hand yet even deeper to drain it out. 

And she was in awe. 

Naruto had originally, much like Hitomi, hesitated when they were being attacked. Naruto had been nervous but had still tried to help his friends. Hitomi had hesitated for a completely different reason. She was concentrating on something she didn't even understand and it confused her. 

She didn't want more of her teammates to die but she didn't do anything to help them. That would have been her fault too. 

Everyone was staring at Naruto, too busy to notice her. She hoped they weren't mad at her. 

It was dark. But the stars were shining, making the water look like a mirrored night sky. It was beautiful. Hitomi couldn't deny. And it made her feel at peace. She finally felt relaxed for the first time since she started this mission-one that was inherently more dangerous than any one of them would have guessed. Kakashi seemed calm but she could tell her was on edge. 

She focused on the water. Kakashi had agreed to help the poor bridge builder. All were listening intently as Kakashi made plans. All but Hitomi. 

The river was long and wide and she did not want to forget this calm. 

She had not felt this relaxed since before Team Thirteen died. A quick flash of their faces flashed through her mind. 

Hitomi sunk lower into the side of the boat, letting her head rest on the slick wood. She tried not to remember the way they looked. Dead or alive. But their faces haunted her dreams. She sometimes even saw them when she was awake. But she didn't see them now. 

She let her finger dip into the water. It crawled up her skin and around her wrist in a single line. Curiously, Hitomi watched it. That had never happened before. 

"Hitomi?" Naruto called for her. She did not look up. "Hm?"

"Why did you kill your team, Hitomi?" Hitomi whipped her head around, ready to scream but stopped herself when she looked into Naruto's eyes. They were pitch black. Blood was streaming down his face. "Why did you kill Team Seven?"

A hand grabbed Hitomi, pulling her deep into the water. She could not breathe. And when she tried to scream water filled her lungs and she could feel herself starting to drown. 

"Why did you kill me, Hitomi?" She was staring at Mana. The feeling from before beginning to eat its way through her stomach again. And then Mana became Sakura. "This is all your fault." 

And then she woke up. 


im sorry i havent written in forever i rly like this story having a child is exhausting 

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