Chapter 16 - Nightmare

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"There are many who don't wish to sleep for fear of nightmares. Sadly, there are many who don't wish to wake for the same fear." - Richelle E. Godrich

"It didn't work..." Tsunade put a hand on Sakira's shoulder. They were both in front of Itachi's grave where the pinkette cried her eyes out, gripping tight the roses. The droplets of tears soaked the ground. Everyone was watching her with pity in their eyes. Her pain was so great that it couldn't let you unbothered. It was like every tear took a piece from everyone's heart. The rain started to fall heavily from the sky but she didn't care. She couldn't care less if she got sick and died. She lost all her hope.

Sasuke came near her, resting a hand on her other shoulder. Her pain wrecked him. He looked towards his brother's stone and bent down to put a bouquet of flowers. His black hair was soaked but he wouldn't let her alone here.

Ino pulled Daisuke closer to her body to shelter him from the rain under her black umbrella.

The sky was crying, and so was the Uchiha family who lost all the hope. Nobody dared to say anything, they feared that she would have a mental breakdown.

On the grey stone were written the words Itachi Uchiha with a small Uchiha crest underneath. On the back of her black sweater, she wore the Uchiha crest too. Sasuke insisted. He said that it would be a beautiful tribute for his brother amd that probably he always wanted to see her wearing that.

Daisuke was crying but he was more hurt about his mother's sufferince. He wanted to wipe all her tears and make her smile again but he knew it was impossible. He took some steps towards her, clentching her sweater in his fist. His black eyes met hers.

"Mama... I will try everything to make you happy again."

She smiled through tears and so did the entire crowd.

Suddenly, Sakura sat up on her bum, gasping for air. Just a bad dream. She looked around the room confused. She was in a hospital room where the ligjts were off. Near her, she could hear a constant beep. The pinkette narrowed her eyes, trying to adjust. Her hand reached to her chest and snatched all the tubes that were attached to her. Since when was she in a coma? How many days?

Her warm feet touched the cold floor. Great, she was dressed in the patient uniform. She spotted her clothes folded on the chair.

Outside, it was already dark, the cold breeze entering in her room through the opened window. She inhaled deeply. Her steps carried her to her clothes, her hands helping her to change fast. After she was done, she cracked the door open to see if someone that she knew was in the hallway.

It was clear. As she expected, it was past the visit hours and there were only a few doctors for the night shift. She sprinted on the long hallway, sneaking past some doctors and nurses and finally getting to the main entrance. She sighed, relaxing sightly.

"Huh, finally." she opened the double doors, letting the fresh air hit her face. She smiled.

She didn't want to go home. No, that nightmare was too much. She couldn't bear to hear how she failed, how he is already in the grave. She is not ready to see Daisuke crying and disappointed. She failed him, Sasuke but especially, she failed herself. Her gaze moved to the ground as she walked slowly towards the highest point of the Hokage's mountain.

The streets were almost empty but she paid no mind anyway.

At the top of the mountain, she watched how the village was asleep. How everything seemed so calm in a world so dangerous... where all your beloved ones may die anyday and the danger doesn't spare anyone. Where heroes who live in the shadows have to take everything on their shoulders for the well being of ordinary the civillains. Sometimes it looked almost unreal. She bit her lower lip, trying to stop her tears. Everytime she was overthinking, she ended up like this. She was still emotionally weak, even though she could crush you with her fist.

Hours have passed and she was still there, observing, thinking, relaxing. She was lost in her own world where everything was perfect.

"Sakura-chan?" she heard a familiar voice calling her gently. She turned her head towards her best friemd amd gave him a weak smile. He sat down near her, looking at the village.

"We were looking for you. We were worried."

"How did you find out so soon that I ran?" she asked with pain in her voice. She hoped to enjoy her alone time at lest until morning.

"They called Sasuke. He is still out looking for you."

She smiled sadly.

"It's 1 AM, Sakura-chan. You should get home. Daisuke needs you." she felt a lump in her throat at his words. How will she face her son and tell him the harsh truth?

"You are right." she got up and started heading for her home, not bothering to wait for her friend who had to take another path anyway.

She took small steps and stopped on the porch, looking at her feet.

"Alright. I'm sorry, Daisuke." she mentally prepared herself. She observed that the lights were on, knowing him, he couldn't probably sleep because he was worried. She inhaled sharply and with a quick movement, opened the front door.

She entered her home and slammed the door shut.

"Papa, I think mama is home!" she heard her son being excited from the living room. The sound of feet echoed through the house.

"Welcome back home, Sakura!"

Her eyes widened in shock at the familiar voice, making her raise her head slowly.

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