Chapter 12

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Once he entered, he saw the girl he saw today at school.

He looked at her face carefully and started crying.

She was Jungkook's long lost twin sister.

She ran away from home because she was being bullied at school.

At that time JungKook couldn't protect her from those bullies.

He slowly walked up to her, and hugged her while crying.

Jeon Minju. (Picture if her above^)

She hugged JungKook back while crying too.

JungKook: Where were you all this time?!

Minju: I don't know. I roamed around the streets like a crazy person.

JungKook looked at her.

She had bruises all over her face, and hands.

JungKook: Mianay!
(He said meaning it, while he was crying really hard.)

Minju: Anniyo! It's not your fault. It's because I didn't know how to protect myself. And I didn't stand up for myself.

JungKook: Anniyo! It is my fault. I was suppose to stand up for you, and protect you!

Once they finished having their family dinner, which had not happened in a long time.

JungKook showed Minju her room.

JungKook: I now have someone to protect. But I'm scared that I can't protect her.
(He said looking down.)

Minju: Who is it? Your girlfriend?

JungKook nodded his head.

Minju: Woah! JungKook has a girlfriend already!

JungKook smiled.

Minju: Don't worry. I know that you'll be able to protect her. Protect her with all that you can.
(She said as she looked around her room.)

JungKook: Ye.
(He said as he walked out of her room.)

Minju: I now have someone to protect me too.
(She said once JungKook left.)

**The next day**

JungKook told Yuju to come over.

Once Yuju got there.

JungKook took her to his room.

JungKook: I have something to tell you. 

Yuju: Huh? What is it?!

JungKook: My sister came back!

Yuju: What?! Really? Where is she?!

JungKook: She's in her room. I'll surprise her with you. Wait here.
(He said as he left to go to Minju's room.)

JungKook: Minju, I have a surprise for you!

Minju: Huh? What is it?!
(She said curiously.)

JungKook: I'll go get it.
(He said leaving to go get Yuju.)

JungKook grabbed Yuju's hand and walked to Minju's room.

JungKook: Here it is!
(She said showing Yuju.)

Minju: Who is that?
(She asked confused.)

JungKook: My girlfriend!

Yuju: Annyeohasayo. I am Choi Yu Na, but call me Yuju.
(She said bowing, and smiling.)

Minju: Ye. I am Jeon Minju.

JungKook: Aishh.. stop being so polite the two of you. I brought Yuju here so you guys can become friends.
(He said smiling.)

Minju: Jinga?!

JungKook: Ye. Now I'll leave you two alone.
(He said walking out. But he stayed there to listen to what they were saying.)

Minju: You can sit here.
(She said patting on her bed.)

Yuju walked over and sat down.

While Minju sat up.

Minju: Do you really have feelings for my brother?

Yuju: Ye. I do.

Minju: Jinga! Woah, it took him so long to get with you. You should've accepted him earlier.

Yuju: Mianay.

Minju: Anniyo! Gwanchana. I know you have your own reasons. But is he treating you right?

Yuju: Ye. He respects me a lot, he also cares and love me a lot.
(She said happily, while smiling.)

Minju: That's good to hear. I'm proud of him.

Yuju: Wae?

Minju: Because he's always acting cold, and treats other people badly.
(She said while laughing.)

After JungKook heard that he barges into the room.

JungKook: Yah! I said to become friends not talk bad about me!

Minju: Araso.
(She said as she continued to laugh, and Yuju starts laughing too.)

JungKook: That's it.
(He says grabbing Yuju's hands and leaves the room.)

Minju just smiles at their cuteness.

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