Chapter 13

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Today was the day they were going on their camping trip.

So Yuju and JungKook packed their things.

Minju also packed her things because she was going to volunteer to help.

Once they got to school, they got on a coach bus.

Yuju and JungKook sat next to each other.

Yuju was by the window while JungKook was near the aisle.

Later on people started to come.

Once everyone got on, they left.

The drive there took 3 hours.

Since they were Seoul, it took longer.

Yuju got tired, so she leaned on Jungkook's shoulders.

JungKook was admiring her beautiful face.

**Time skip**

Once they got there, they unloaded the bus.

They had to set up their own tents, fire, etc.

The whole point of this was to learn how to work together or in general, teamwork.

SinB and Yuju started setting up the tents.

While Le, and Solji just sat around.

JungKook and his group were done with everything.

And he saw Yuju struggling to set up the tents, so he came to help her.

He kneeled down to where Yuju was, and setted up their tent for them.

Le saw it, and decided to go get some wood.

And she made it seem like she was struggling so that JungKook could help her.

JungKook was too focused on Yuju that he didn't pay any attention to Le.

Le: Ugh.. Why do you love Yuju so much?!
(She said angrily.)

Jimin also came to help SinB.

Jimin: This is how you do it.
(He said fixing what SinB did wrong.)

SinB was flustered.

And started blushing at Jimin.

Solji: Woah! How do they both get guys that easily?!

Once they were done setting up the tents, they sat down.

Yuju: Ahh.
(She sighed in relief.)

SinB: Finally, its finished!
(She said proudly and happily.)

Jimin: This is suppose to be group work, but how come Le, and Solji did barely anything?!

JungKook: Ugh. Whatever, let's go get the wood.
(He said standing up, and started walking towards to forest.)

Yuju, SinB, and Jimin followed.

JungKook: Me and Yuju will go this way. Jimin, you and SinB go the other way.

Jimin: Ye.
(He said as he started walking.)

But he noticed that SinB wasn't following him.

Jimin: What? What's wrong?!

SinB: I'm scared to go in the forest.
(She said frozen while not moving an inch.)

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