It just isn't the same

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"Well are you sick?" Siren questioned.

"No Mom." Henry sighed, turning away from her on his bed.

"Well why don't you want dinner?"

"I just don't. Okay?" Henry rolled his eyes.

"What happened? You were in a great mood this morning." Henry's mother pointed out.

"I don't want to talk about it." Henry mumbled.

"Fine. Well I'll wrap it up and leave it in the microwave in case you change your mind." Siren left Henry's room.

Henry sighed and sat up. Is this how Charlotte felt when Jacob dumped her?

~ Henry's thoughts ~
I know I don't really have the right to feel sorry for myself. I mean, Char and I were never dating and her mind is probably still mixed up because of Jacob. But I wanted to tell her now that I really liked her, I know she said he was dead to her but I don't want her to go running back to him.

Shit. What if they get back together? I don't think I can cope with them being together, it was bad enough the first time but I didn't have feelings for Char then.

I know Jacob said he broke up with her so she could be with me, but I don't trust him. He would jump at the first chance he got to be Charlotte's boyfriend again. 

This whole situation sucks. I'm so tempted to call Ray and ask him to wipe my memory so that I'd have no recollection of Charlotte or Jacob, or anyone for that matter.

"So...why are you not at home?" Ray questioned, watching Charlotte who was slouched on the couch and scrolling through her phone in the man cave.

"Just fancied seeing you." Charlotte mumbled.

"Is that so?" Ray asked, skeptical.

"Uh huh." Charlotte responded, still not looking up from her phone.

"It's not got anything to do with that Jacob guy?"

"No." Charlotte sighed.

" and Hen had a fight right? That's why you're here and he isn't." Ray said knowingly. He noticed a shift in Charlotte and Henry's friendship with how much they were arguing, especially when Charlotte started dating Jacob.

"Yeah...something like that." Charlotte replied, thinking Ray would leave it alone.

"So, what happened?"

"Does it look like I wanna talk about it?" Snapped Charlotte.

"Alright alright. Fine, I won't ask about it." Ray surrendered, turning back to the computers.

"So basically..." Charlotte began five seconds later and Ray smirked; whenever someone agrees to leave it alone, that's when Charlotte wants to talk about it. "Henry and I kissed."

"WHAT?!" Ray exclaimed, standing up in shock.

"Yeah. And I liked it. Man, I really liked it. But I knew Hen didn't have feelings for me so today I told him that the kiss was a mistake." Charlotte explained.

"Well why did you do that?!" Ray demanded.

"Uh, so I wouldn't look like an idiot when he rejected me, duh." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Well how do you know Henry doesn't actually like you?"

"He told me. He said the kiss didn't mean anything to him either and that it shouldn't have happened."

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