Morning Kisses and Answered Wishes

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Val's POV

I slowly wake up and take in my surroundings. I glance at a clock nearby that reads 9:00am. Where am I? I should be in my bed but I'm somewhere different? Was I kidnapped? 

That's when the memories of yesterday hit me and suddenly the arm around me makes a lot more sense. Yesterday we were watching a horror movie and then we both fell asleep.

But I don't remember Parker putting his arm around me. Eh. Must've happened in our sleep. It was an instinct or something. 

I hear a light whispering coming from around the corner and shut my eyes quickly. Probably his family coming in to tease us. I don't get why they do though, it's not like he likes me or anything. 

I'm slightly annoyed. I've literally never been more comfortable in my life, laying here in Parker's arms, and now they have to come in and ruin this. Why oh why?

As the whispering gets a little more coherent I hear Joey say,"Look at that man. The man of the household. The man of my life. Getting all the ladies around here. Good for him!"

I hear Liv then reply,"Shut up Joey! We don't wanna wake them up quite yet. Awwww look at how cute they are. I always knew they would end up together when he asked for my help to ask her to the dance."

The dance? He asked for her help to ask me? Why? He was probably just nervous. Parker has like no experience with girls. 

"Wellll technically they're not together yet. But he better secure it soon; I love that girl. Like seriously he'd be really lucky to have her," awww Maddie I appreciate it but he doesn't like me like that.

"Why are you so passionate about her? I thought you didn't like her," Liv asks.

"She got me tickets to this one hockey game. Best seats I've ever had. And she's generally a cool person. I like to think of her as a mini-me."

I'm glad I'm fitting in with family like I am. I really want to be on good terms with Parker before I date Parker. If that could even happen. I have to get him to like me first. 

"Ok, ok guys. Let the poor boy rest. Him and Val have a flight in seven hours. We don't have to wake them up until like one o'clock," I'm really glad she isn't one of those parents that gets to the airport like five hours before the flight,"Let's let them wake up on their own. I for sure know Parker's screaming on the inside right now in his subconscious. He likes her so much he came to me for advice. That's pretty desperate."

He asked Karen for advice on me, too? I can't exactly just ignore that but I know I have to. For the good of Parker. For his safety. He can't find out about what happened, and dating him might enable him to more danger.

I think I've had enough of these whisperings. It's getting kind of annoying and I don't need to hear about more false hope on my end. I decide to get them away by thinking I was waking up, so I yawn exaggeratedly and stretch, careful not to move Parker's arm off of me. 

I look down at his soft face and I just have to stare at it. His mouth slightly open from taking deep breaths at a time. His eyelashes fluttering slightly. He looks so...peaceful.

As much as I would love to just sit here and watch him sleep, that might seem a little creepy to the family spying on me. I turn my head slightly to check if they're still there, giving them just enough time to escape my gaze. Once I know they're out of my sight (or more like I am out of theirs), I decide to just go for it. It's not like he'll remember, right?

I slowly lean down and, as light as I can, place my lips against his cheek. A surprisingly soft cheek. He stirs a bit under me and I quickly back away before he can suspect what I just did.

"Hey Parker. Finally awake? I've been trying to wake you up for some time," I nervously say.

I expect some witty commentary about how he's actually a super light sleeper or something, but I'm met with dazed brown eyes staring at me with confusion and some other emotion I can't identify. He slowly raises his hand to his cheek and rubs it. Does he know?

"How'd you try to wake me up?" he looks at me with what I thought would be disgust, but it's only that unidentifiable emotion.

"I-i-i was shaking you and you wouldn't wake up. So I just hit you on the cheek. It was meant to be light, sorry if it hurt," I stutter, pulling that lie out of thin air.

"Oh, ok," he says with a hint of disappointment. Disappointment?

Snapping out of my current thoughts, I suddenly remember that we have our flight today. Yeah, I know Karen mentioned it earlier and I even thought about it but I'm just processing. Sometimes I'm a little late.

"We should start getting ready for the flight, right? We're leaving at one o'clock to head for the airport."

"How do you know that? We just woke up didn't we?" oh God I've blown my cover.

"I overheard Karen say it sometime while I was trying to wake you up. But anyways, we should get ready."

As Parker and I get up from our position on the couch (which I already miss), I hear a whisper from Liv from around the corner that makes me want to leave for the airport immediately.

"Ok but that kiss was adorable."

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