Their 1st Date

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Crystal's POV

I take a seat down in one of the chairs of the cafe while shifting my eyes rapidly back and forth. I'm really, really nervous.

It's been only a day since we went searching for my soulmate but it's felt like only seconds have passed by since I found out Shelby is my soulmate.

I can't help but feel nervous. Anyone in my position would be. What if she ends up being totally 100% straight? Or her personality completely clashes with mine and I make a horrible first impression? What if she's not actually my soulmate?

I know the rings said that we are soulmates but I've decided not to fully put my faith in those tacky pieces of jewelry. How can you really even measure the amount of feelings you will have for someone in the future, and then translate that into code?

I continue to look around the cafe anxiously. I don't know why I'm looking around. There's really only one entrance so there's no way she gonna just pop up right behind me.


The voice causes me to jump and I feel my heart stop beating for a moment. After calming down, I feel peaceful again, like I have nothing to worry about. But once I look at Shelby, that calm feeling runs outta here like someone who just ate a boatload of Mexican food and the nearest bathroom is across the city.

How could she have possibly snuck up on me when she's wearing that?

My breath hitches in my throat as I take in her outfit. It's really casual but also super cute. She's wearing a white, long-sleeve shirt which is tied into a knot halfway up her stomach. Her high-waisted jeans reach just below the knot and her translucent, floral jacket hangs around her shoulders.


"H-hey Shelby," I stutter back like the idiot I am. Well actually I'm technically a genius but that's beside the point right now-

"Let's talk," Shelby says while pulling out the chair across from me and sitting down. Even the way she sits down is so elegant.

How did I not notice any of this when we were getting our revenge on Jeremiah? I always knew she was fun but I didn't pay any attention to it. I guess I was so focused on Val that I overlooked this amazing girl sitting in front of me.

'This amazing girl'? This is the first time you're actually talking to her and that's what you're already referring to her as? You are such a weirdo. There's no way she's gonna like you.

Shut up, brain.

I think I got so caught up in all the soulmate stuff that whenever I found out Shelby was mine, I automatically started thinking about her in that way. Does that make me biased? Would I even be able to tell if she wasn't my soulmate? I don't think I would because that's all I can think of her now.

I shouldn't have allowed Parker and Val to do this. She is my roommate. I would've gotten to know her anyways and I could have fallen for her on my own terms. Now it's not even a decision I made on my own.

I suddenly realize I've been staring at the table for a very long time. I quickly look up and catch Shelby staring at me with a ghost of a smile on her face.

"You haven't started talking? Or did you say something?" I ask.

Oh great. Now she knows you haven't been listening.

"No, I didn't say anything. You looked so deep in thought that I didn't want to interrupt," she giggles slightly, causing my heart to start beating faster.

Why is this happening to me? I haven't spoke more than 50 words to her ever.

I suddenly look down again and try to calm my heart down before saying, "I don't think we should do this."

The frown on her face makes me immediately regret my choice in words, "I mean-"

"I won't do anything you don't want to. But can you at least tell me why?"

I finally make eye contact with her for the first time. I immediately take notice of her electrifyingly green eyes, but I snap myself out of it before I end up staring for too long.

"I just... I feel like since Parker and Val's rings were the ones to tell me that we're 'meant to be' or whatever that everything in this potential relationship won't actually be my true feelings. I mean, I'm already going crazy over you and I've never even really talked with you before," I pause, "That's stupid isn't it."

"No. I totally understand what you mean. Like you're wondering if we're actually true soulmates or if a ring just says so. Would we have gotten together without that ring or would we have gone on our merry ways and lived beautiful and bountiful lives without each other?"

My mouth slightly opens in shock, "That's exactly what I mean."

"I feel the same way. So, if that's the case for both of us, then why don't we just pretend like the rings never existed. We'll start off as friends and see where it takes us," Shelby's slight smile causes me to blush but not to the same extent as it did before.

Hearing her say that relieved a lot of tension sitting on my shoulders. I suddenly feel less nervous and I'm glad. I need to be friends with her first.

"Ok. Let's do this," I hold my hand out for her to shake, "friend."

She shakes my hand back, "But before we fully get into this, did I hear you say that I'm making you go crazy? Am I that amazing?"

She flips her hair over her shoulder in a confident way and I roll my eyes, "Whatever. Let's just grab our food and go."

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