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" Marinette?"
" Yeah?"
" I found something sketchy... I'm going to need to show you this."
" Kay, come on over. What's it about?"
" Well that's the thing..."


Five minutes later, Alya climbed up the stairs to my room.

" Girl, check this out. I was researching things for the ladyblog, and you'll never believe what I found."
" Oooh, what is it?" I squealed.
" Ok, so I saw this picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir. At first I thought it was just some fan art. But then I looked into it. There's more pictures of the superheroes, all seeming to be animated. And I found these videos, too. I didn't want to watch them without you, so I called. Umm, also, AdrienandNinoarecomingoverpleasedon'thateme..."
" Alya, speak French, not gibberish."
" Ok... I may have invited Nino and Adrien over, please don't hate me!"
" ALYA!!!"
" Don'tkillme!"

I sigh, before realizing. " Oh god. THE POSTERS!" Me and Alya looked around the room at the pictures of Adrien plastered all over my wall, before frantically rushing around to take them down.

As soon as the last photo was taken down, the doorbell rang. I tripped down the stairs, finally opening the door breathlessly.

" Adrien! Uh, hi, you must be here be-because Ayla-I mean Alya- told you a-about the vod-video." I managed to get out, chuckling and blushing madly. Inside I smacked myself upside the head. Of course he is, why else would he be? Alya literally said why!

Behind him stood Nino, looking at me strangely. We went back upstairs, and while Nino and Adrien sat on my chase lounge, I sat on a step, and Alya sat in my chair.

" Okay, this'll probably be pretty weird. Let's do this." We all leaned in eagerly, as Alya pressed play.

A peppy tune started playing as an animated image of the Eiffel Tower was zoomed in on. At the top, a figure that looked a lot like me stood. It showed the same figure from another perspective, and a voice spoke, scarily sounding like my own.

" In the daytime, I'm Marinette," the girl runs across the screen, the background changing to what looks like College Françoise DuPont, and trips over a black cat. While her croissant flies out of her mouth the girl falls flat on the ground, still holding her backpack.

" Just a normal girl, with a normal life." As the voice says this, two animated figures that look suspiciously like Chloe and Sabrina walk past, Chloe laughing while Sabrina simply stares at the me-like figure.

A figure looking like Alya walks onto the screen and helps me up.

I've decided that somehow, in someway, these animated figures are connected to us-are us, and the thought unsettles me.

Something about being a cartoon character just never really appealed to me.

Behind me, Adrien and Nino are bopping their heads side to side in sync.

A figure that looks like Adrien walks on screen and picks up my backpack, holding it for me to take. " But there's something about me that no one knows yet." I'm about to take it when Chloe pushes me out of the way to hug Adrien, and I land on the ground, cursing fate. " Cause I have secret!"

Tiki appears on screen and I transform into Ladybug, my alter ego, and run off the side of the Eiffel Tower, the word "Miraculous" seeming to be levitating above the Seine, as I swing through the air with my yoyo.

Alya pauses the video, Nino and Adrien freeze, and everyone in the room aside from me stares in shock.

" What... what was that?" Alya asks slowly, and I can tell she's trying to choose her next words carefully. " Marinette? Do you... have something you'd like to tell us about?"

There are butterflies in my stomach, and I know I've messed up. I've lied to one of my best friends since I've met her! I've physically fought her. I've locked her up. What if the only reason we're still friends is because she didn't know it was me who did that? No, she wouldn't do that, would she? She idolizes Ladybug. But what if- what if she doesn't idolize Ladybug anymore, now that she knows? Have I disappointed her? I've let her down, haven't I. I've been a disgrace as a friend. As a superhero.

Laughing nervously, I try to cover up. "What? That's crazy, this show is weird. How do they get the details so accurate?" I gasp. "Maybe an akuma's behind this!"

I'm grasping for excuses when the ground shakes. It could be an earthquake, but more likely it's another attack.

This seems to give Alya an edge, as she states, "Fine, Marinette. If you really aren't Ladybug, then don't run off. Don't randomly feel the need to just use the bathroom, or think your parents are calling you, or give some other lame excuse. Stay."

I glance between Alya and the window, and I'm frozen, totally lost. On one hand I could put Alya in danger - something she ends up doing herself anyway - but on the other, Paris needs my help. If a civilian is akumatized, they'll wreak havoc on and destroy the city.

"Hey Marinette, where's your bathroom?" Adrien asks, interrupting my thoughts.
"I- uh- I... here, I'll show you," I say, leading him down stairs. As soon as he closes the door, I take the chance and shout, "Tikki, spots on!"

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