Ch. 3 - Provoking a Monster

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At that point, a rational person would have immediately attempted to flee.

But Julie was not a rational person.

"Holy shit... that's not a costume," was all that was going through her panicked state of mind as she stared at the demon with wide eyes, completely petrified. Meanwhile, he had taken the opportunity to slink closer and closer until his pale face was only mere inches from her own.

"Now, Julianna. We can do this the easy way or the hard way," he growled warningly. "You either tell me why your uncle did what he did to us, or I force it out of you. Simple as that," he tightened his grip on her wrists and stared her down with the endless black abysses that were his eyes.

Once she had somewhat recovered from the shock of being in the presence of a cartoon character, she let the request sink in and could only stare back at him with a confused expression.

"Um... what exactly are you talking about? And who is 'us'?" she asked, genuinely puzzled. Bendy only narrowed his eyes at the female.

"Oh no, you can't play dumb with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about and you're gonna give me answers... or else," he demanded in a much more menacing tone.

At this point, Julie was slowly starting to become more frustrated than scared. "Alright, Mickey Mouse wannabe. How do you expect me to give you these answers when I don't even know anything? Pull them out of my ass?" she retorted with a sudden, bold flair of sarcasm. This managed to catch him off guard, but wasn't enough to break his stubborn spirit. In fact, it only seemed to make him even more angry.

"So... that's how it's gonna be, huh?" he tilted his head as an oddly calm smile found its way onto his animated features.

"I'm not scared of you. You're just a cartoon character," she whispered in a feeble attempt to prove to herself that she wasn't completely and utterly terrified of the unpredictable creature before her.

"Is that so?" he hummed. He stepped even closer, forcing her to shuffle backwards until her back was against the door. Heavy drops of black liquid began to trickle down his face before plopping down onto the wooden floor.

"I don't think you know what I'm capable of," his voice had lost its peculiar charm and was much more deep and sinister.

Julie swallowed hard as the sudden realization of what she had done by toying with him sunk in. He instantly took notice of this and chortled in amusement.

"Not so tough now, are ya?" he taunted and flashed another crooked smile. She avoided the question, instead staring down at the floor while an unwelcome mixture of both humiliation and underlying fear caused her stomach to churn. Her initial perception of the mascot along with her stubbornness had gotten her into this mess...

... but maybe it could also get her out.

"And you are? You've got to be kidding me," she scoffed and rolled her eyes. Much to her satisfaction, this washed the snarky smile off the demon's face and he growled once more.

"Well, I'm certainly a lot more tougher than you could ever dream of being!" he shot back and pressed an accusing gloved finger against her chest. More black goo rolled down his face, this time over his eyes, and fell to the ground in large splatters.

"Oh yeah? Prove it," she used her free hand to slap his finger away and took a step toward him, doing her blest to avoid the mess he had made.

Now on the verge of practically seething with rage, he raised a fist and aimed straight at her face. Fortunately, with a stroke of luck, she was able to scramble away and dodge the punch just in time. Instead his fist smashed through the door, causing it to break into a thousand wooden splinters.

"Damn it!" he recoiled in pain and held his hurt hand against his chest. Ignoring the fact that he had literally broken a door with his own fist, Julie took the chance to sprint toward the newly formed exit to freedom.

Passing poster after poster, it didn't take long for her to reach the entrance of the workshop. She frantically pulled at the door knob, but it wouldn't budge. A jolt of panic surged through her. "Shit...," she cursed and took a quick glance behind her before trying again. As expected, nothing happened.

After a few more hopeless attempts later, she snatched her phone out of her pocket and began to dial Max; he was currently her only option. It rang for several seconds before, much to her dismay, cutting to voicemail.

"The one time I actually need you and you don't even answer. Fantastic," she huffed and started to dial him again. As it buzzed, the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard directly behind her. She froze on the spot and moved the phone away from her ear. Then, slowly but surely, she forced herself to turn around.

In front of her was a black, inky monster with long, lanky arms donning an all-so-familiar bow tie. The face was obscured by dark goo, but there was no doubt in her mind who it was.

"You'll regret that," it threatened. Then, with one swift movement, Bendy lunged toward her.

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