When a girl is born and from when she is born her parents ignore her and she hates it. She will go insane only for a future that she can decide on does her friends still look for her and her sister still love her? Find out
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Top pic is you at 13 and bottom is Leslie at 12* "Girls I have some family that I would like you to meet..." slenderp said "k~" you both groaned sighed and got dressed into this
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Leelee's cloths*
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My cloths* We walked down stairs only to have stares at you guys. " let me introduce you to the family meet:Jeff,jack,laughing jack, Sally,Ben,Toby,madly,and hoodie." "Boys meet: Adrian, and Leslie." "Yea I'm going out" I said "No" "Yes" "No" "YES" "NO" " why not" you growled knowing slendy cant do nothing " because it's your b-day and you are turning 13 today......" then bust through The door was a human "leeleee addie o my god you are alright I've been looking for you f-" I killed her she was getting anoiying. "What was the lady saying?.." Leelee asked oh crud what do I say.......