When a girl is born and from when she is born her parents ignore her and she hates it. She will go insane only for a future that she can decide on does her friends still look for her and her sister still love her? Find out
It's been a few years and I'm 17.I walked in to the mansion only to be stared at. " ima go on a spree in a few?" Okay so I've become a little weird WHATEVER I got anger issues don't I? "I got anger issues don't i?" I accidentally said out loud. I looked so big now and I've changed to
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Just imagine the hair in the first picture with red kk?* "What ha-" he was cut off by that scream, only a women who had been with them would know that scream. Leelee just got here and she is not happy about it either. I ran outside only to see someone I thought I used to know this is what she looked like
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, Me and her were wearing these rings
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They are your rings the one that said till death is Leslie's and yours is the one that said do us part* I knew this would happen but i didn't care, i knew what would happen next would effect me for a longer time then death. " well if it isn't little old addie?! Oh my god you are wearing the ring you know what that means!!!!" That was it.........