Explain Why People are Different Colors

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When God created the world He looked down knowing it was missing. Something important.

There was creatures in the sky, in the sea, on the land. So what was missing?

The answer?


While He made this world it was missing apart of Him. So He created man. So many different kinds. First He created a man and a woman. Then created more. So many men and women. Different shapes, different looks, different languages, but all the same color skin.

What this color was we do not know except it was beautiful.

Yet, despite coming from Him they though looks matter. Forgetting that God made everyone equal.

Made lower and upper ranks. Decided some were better than others.

He decided something needed to be done. So He casted man away. Stopped visiting.

He split the colors of the people's skin. Made men stronger and gave women the power to make life.  Spreaded mankind across the globe.

Eventally man forgot about how they were once together. Did everything together. Fought together, hunted together, sang together. Loved together.

When mankind realize that looks didn't matter and that the souls and personalities are what did, would they be allowed to come back into God's waiting arms.

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