Love Knows No Gender

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Just a little short on equality

I thought I was over you,

I thought you were gone,

Those abnormal thoughts for a girl like me.

I though I got over the "phase",

I though I was just like any other girl.

After I didn't see you for awhile I though I was over you,

I thought you were gone,

That's when I saw your face again,

And your hair again,

And your smile,

The way you walk,

And the way you talk,

And all those things that made me fall for you in the first place.

Who am I to think these things,

I should've seen it coming,

You had a boyfriend,

There's 0 chance for me.

How I felt so fucked up.

I'm a sinner,

Well that's what the book says,

Sure I can never have a child,

I'm destined to burn in hell,

But not a day in my life will I say poor me.

I will say I am me.

Gay is okay.

I am I.

I am me.

And I am proud for who I am,

I learned to accept it,

I learn to be strong,

I learned that I will have someone someday.

Theres someone somewhere.

And how childish I felt for trying to deny myself of it,

Sometimes there's an exception.

Sure the norm may always be,

Adam and Eve,

But sometimes you may see an Adam and Steve,

And that's okay.

Do you remember,

I bet you do,

Those times where blacks and whites shouldn't even share the same drinking fountain,

How childish that seems now.

Sometimes I wonder,

Maybe one day,

That's how people will look at equal rights,

Maybe someday a child won't get yelled at for saying,

I have two moms,

Or two dads.

But this will never take back the tears that were shed,

For those who could not hold the hand of their loved one without hearing,

Dkye or Fag.

Maybe one day the suicides will stop for just the blatant ignorance,

That is homophobia.

Aren't we all people?

It will never be a choice,

And for some it will be an eternal curse,

But no matter how hard we try,

We can never wake up and say,

Oh I'm straight now.

Maybe one day,

You'll see a same sex marriage on tv.

Maybe one day all the states will be legalized.

Peace, love and equality,

Will be the motto.

Maybe one day,

Teens won't be disowned by their families for being the way they were born to be.

Teens won't think about suicide and self harm because they are the way they are.

In the end,

Didn't god create us all equal,

Doesn't he love us all the same?


You don't see it as often as you see straight couples walking around.

But last time I checked,

Love is love,

Sure some people like both genders,

Some people prefer the same gender,

Some people prefer the opposite,

That's okay.

It's all okay.

Because in the end,

Didn't god just want us to be happy,

And if what makes you happy is being with a person of the same sex,

Then shall be it.

As scary as acceptance is,

For anything for that matter .

Shouldn't we just love one another for who we are,

Instead of wasting our time trying to force feed those who love the same sex our opinion,

We want equality.

What if one day you were denied your everyday rights just because of a hormonal imbalance.

Nobody chooses to be the way they are,

People just choose to accept it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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