Friends Forever

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History always finds a way to repeat itself. You may think that this is crazy, but for two girls south of the Mason Dixon line, history has repeated itself for 250 years. It all started in the 1800s when a hunter was lost in the woods on a snowy December afternoon. It was getting dark and the Hunter had no idea where he was, the only thing he knew was that if he didn't find his way home soon he would be dead before Christmas. Upon this thought he heard a wolf howl out into the night, terrified the hunter ran and ran and ran until he saw smoke right above the tree line. Tired, sick, and hungry the hunter gathered all of his energy and slowly made the hike through the snow. When he finally made it to the house he knocked once and calloused on the porch. It wasn't until late that night that the old man that lived there opened the door to go get some wood. When he opened the door he saw the young man that lie at his feet. The old man quickly called his daughter and son-in-law to the door to see what had happened. They took the hunter in a nursed him back to health. The hunger thanked them and he went on his way back home. 40 years latter the civil war broke out. The son of the hunter and the daughter of the people who had nursed the hunter back to help meet on the battlefield of Shiloh. The hunter son was wounded by a sword. Again the girls family nursed back to health the hunter's family. It was until the 1900s that the family would come face to face again. Each generation after the civil war became good friends with each other but they never kept in touch after their youth. Until one day in 2010 Marie Johnston and Isabel Alan meet. Isabel lived on a farm in northern Mississippi with her parents and three older brother. Then one day Marie Johnston and her family moved in next door, which was only a half of mile down the road. Isabel's mother, Linda, baked a pie and took it to their new neighbor's house Isabel wanting to get out of cleaning her horse's stall was very willing to go with her mother. Since it was only a 1/2 mile, Isabel and her mother decided to walk to their neighbor's house. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by a hyper little sheep dog. Then a lady comes out of a humble two story house and yells fry get down. The lady says,"I'm sorry about the dog she is still excited about her new life in the country, I am Ann Johnston. You must be the folks that live next door. It is so nice to meet you." Linda speaks up and says," We are yall's new neighbors. It is so nice to meet y'all. We brought you a pie. And I wanted to invite you to the weekly get together at our house." "Please come in, it is a hot day. Would y'all like an iced tea or lemonade?" "No thanks,"
Isabel's POV.
I was so happy to finally have neighbor's that weren't family. Around spout springs it was just my family and it is hard to make friends with cousins because they are so much like you, you usually end up in a fight on how to do something. When we enter Ms. Ann's house, you can tell that they weren't used to living in the country. They didn't even have leather boots. I couldn't help but to wonder how they were going to live in this part of the country with out boots. Ms Ann yells to someone upstairs and she said that her daughter, that was my age would be down shortly. We take a seat in the living room, as Ms Ann puts the pie we brought her in the kitchen. As we wait I see a little girl who looks just a little younger than me skip down the stairs. Her hair look like linen it was so blonde and it was to her shoulders. She was very skinny and was wearing tie dyed shorts and a hot pink tank top. You could really tell that she hadn't grew up in the country but she seemed pretty nice.
Marie's POV
I really didn't want to moved to a little backwoods  town call spout springs but after what happened at my school my parents thought it best to leave the city life behind and move to the rural countryside. I guess it wasn't going to be too bad though. My dad inherited a large portion of land from his great uncle that our family had lived on for generations but no one had even dared to build on it until my dad got a job down here and decided to got back to the country way of life. I never really had any friends at my old school so maybe I would meet lots of new people at the school called Kossuth. Or at least I think that is what the school is called. When I had just started unpacking my radio my mom called me down stairs. She said we have guests and for me to come down stairs. I make my way down the stairs to get a lady and a girl about my age sitting in our living room. The one thought I had was, maybe I can make a new fiend already. The girl that was about my age had she had long straight dark brown hair and steel blue eyes. She was wearing boots and blue jeans in the middle of of may. It was crazy. It was already 80 degrees outside and this girl had on boots. I walk up to her and I said," My name is Marie. You must be our neighbors

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