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Sorry for not updating! Graduating and stuff got in the way. To make up for it this is a pretty long one!

Waking up was always hard for Pidge, but it was especially hard after last night. Wiping away the remnants of sleep from her eyes, she groggily looked around. She was in her room all right, even though she remembered passing out working on her lion.

Taking a cold shower to clear her mind, she pondered last night. She didn't know why her dreams all of a sudden became so much more realistic and terrifying. They used to only be once every now and then, and they changed after she found out what really happened, but they were few and far between.

But this was the third night in a row she had these nightmares, and they had been getting worse, lasting longer and with more vivid images. She shuddered. Last night shook her. Could it be that someone from the team had really found her so late at night?

Shaking her head, she chased the thought away. It may be some sort of coping method, pretending that someone was there. Someone probably dragged her to her bed earlier.

Drying off, she gazed into the mirror. She looked disheveled. "My sleep patterns must be crazy..." she mumbled, laughing a bit. Running a brush through her hair and putting on clothes fixed her appearance, and made her feel more awake.

Regardless of the fact that there probably wasn't anyone helping her at night, her inquisitive mind speculated. Lance would've woke her up, Hunk too. They did the same whenever her nightmares got too bad back at the garrison. Keith? Maybe, but he wasn't a hugger. Not to mention he sleep really soundly.

In fact, most of them slept soundly. Allura and Coran had some weird sleep schedule, probably because of that short thousand year nap, but everyone else seemed to have all right patterns. Except one...

She shook her head. No, Whenever shiro woke up he went to the training room. Which had the lab was on the way from his room to it... but did he wake up? Creasing her forehead, and ignoring her rumbling stomach, she decided to check.

Fingers flying over the keyboards, the patterns of everyone's last night's sleep came up. Hunk Lance and Keith were normal, but Pidges was erratic before settling down. But Shiro had woken up rather early. Curious, she checked the training room logs. Shiro was first as usual, then lance, for all of two minutes, and shortly followed by Keith who stayed longer. Shiro was still there. But when he entered...

She double checked. There was around a forty five minute period between when Shiro woke up and when he entered the training room. He only ever took fifteen minutes to walk down there... no, maybe he just took a walk. But.. ten minutes to the lab... maybe five for when he was just holding her, ten minutes to her room... fifteen minutes back... augh, this was frustrating!

And it wasn't like she could ask him, because that would just be weird and awkward, especially if it wasn't true. And she'd have to talk about her nightmares to some extent, and dreams are for sleep not for talking about. Especially if it was something sensitive.

Anyway, she could worry about that later. Right now, she was starving. She didn't need to fill her head with unnecessary things when her stomach was about to go on strike. So she wiped her history (snooping in other people's sleep cycles was frowned upon) and closed down her computer. Not wanting to bump into Shiro, she decided on an alternate route to not go by the training hall.

Walking down the corridors, she laughed. She must've chosen the scenic route by accident, walking by balconies and windows with interesting alien plants. Regardless of the long detour, she got there in less then twenty minutes, long enough that the others were still there despite the late hour for breakfast, or brunch really.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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