6. Voice

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Now this is a difficult one. You can look exactly like a girl/guy but if you don't sound like one it'll be a dead giveaway.
I got a lot of help from this YouTube video:
But my advice is just practice. Practice a LOT, keep at it, it'll eventually come to you and it'll be natural.
Get a book out and read it out loud in your female voice, or talk to yourself.
Just practice and don't give up, it'll take a while (I even haven't perfected mine) but you'll get it. Definitely check out that YouTube video and any other that you think would help. If you can you could also look into getting a vocal trainer, or asking your school choir teacher (if you know one that's pro LGBT)
Recording yourself and listening to it definitely helps, and getting a friend also helps.

So, like I promised I'll be updating again tomorrow and Wednesday. Sorry again for my absence.

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