Draco Malfoy

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In this story you are a Gryffindor, im sorry if thats not your house but it just fit best for the story.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am best friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione the only problem is my relationship with the Slytherin prince, yes thats right I am dating Draco. We have kept our relationship a secret because how would my friends treat me after they found out i was dating their enemy, I doubt they would still wan to be friends with me.

This whole situation is starting to make me feel really depressed. Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione agreed not to keep secrets from each other but what if the secret im hiding from them is keeping our friendship together, except its pushing apart me and my boyfriend who i feel is the love of my life.

Obviously when i started to feel like this Ron and Harry didn't notice but Hermione did.

"(y/n), can i talk to you?" when she says things like this it worries me.

We went to our shared dorm room, luckily no one was in there.

"Are you alright, you seem sad?" Hermione said, her voice full of pity. I always seem so high and mighty but as soon as someone asks me bout my feelings I cant hold it in anymore. I broke down crying in her arms as she hugged me. After we stood there for a couple of minutes Hermione swore she was going to make me smile.

We went back down to the common room where only Ron and Harry were. Hermione told them I was feeling sad and how she wanted to make me smile. Harry suddenly looked as if he had the greatest idea ever,

"Hey (y/n), you know our enemy?" Harry said smiling,

"Who Voldemort?" i asked, then Ron butted in 

"No, Draco, the filthy git." This made my heart beat faster just by hearing is name but also the context they used it in.

"Imagine him dying, that should make you smile." Ron said smiling.

I couldn't stop myself from seeing an image of my beloved Draco dying. I immediately broke down and let out a strangled cry, I dropped to my knees while they all stared at me wide eyed and mouths agape.

"(y/n), im so sorry, was it something I said?" Ron apologised, Hermione slapped his arm as it was almost obvious it was something he said. No one really knew what to say while I was crying on the floor of the common room. Hermione sat down next to me and put her arm around me,

"(y/n) is there something you want to tell us?" she said softly as if I would break,

"I understand if you don't still want to be my friend after this but me and Draco are dating and have been for a couple of months now." I continued to sob. They all looked shocked, how could (y/n), one of the sweetest people in Gryffindor, no the whole of Hogwarts be dating Draco Malfoy. The three friends all swapped glances, all thinking the same thing.

"(y/n), im sorry about what we said, if we knew we would have never said that but I must ask you, does he make you happy?" Harry asked softly, You nodded.

"Then we are happy, of course we don't get along with him but if you love him we will support your relationship." Harry replied while the others nodded. You stood up and hugged them all in a group hug, repeatedly thanking them over and over.

You quickly ran out the common room with a huge smile on your face on your way to find Draco.

"At least shes smiling now." Hermione said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Thank you for reading this imagine, please comment or message me for requests.

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