The Quest

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Sage took in a deep breath before taking a large, unsteady step off of the train. He was finally here! His family had agreed to let him move out a while ago to go live with his partner, but he first had had to finish school. However, he had finished now and was ready to set out on his own journey-with one catch. He had to go find a partner to help him. A Pokemon.

Sage had been told to go to a Pokemon Lab, but being new to the town he had arrived at, he had no clue how he would find one. He pondered about the idea of asking a citizen of the town for help, but as he was a shy person, this idea was scrapped. His partner was at work at this time as well. He could check a map, if he had one.

After wandering aimlessly around the small town, dragging his heavy luggage with him, he finally stumbled across a large building, with a sign that read, “Pokemon Lab.” He quickly pushed the door open and made a dash for a room labeled as “The Professor’s Room.” The worry that he would be yelled at for being late was immense and only pushed him to run faster.

When he arrived at the office, he was greeted by an oddly dressed assistant, who told him that the professor was currently out. However, the assistant agreed to help Sage as the professor would, and showed him three capsule-like objects.

“These are Pokeballs! You can use them to catch and contain Pokemon. Inside each of these is a different Pokemon, take your pick of which one you would like.”

Sage stared at the capsules confusedly, wondering if he was supposed to open them or not. He hesitated before taking one and chucking it up into the air like he had seen many others do. A flashing red beam of light emerged, revealing a pink, cat-like creature. It mewled and bounced around a bit before sitting down and playing with its tail. It jumped up onto the table and pressed a paw against one of the Pokeballs, releasing another creature.

This one was a vulpine of some sort, with fur as dark as the night sky, apart from a few dark red markings. It chuckled mischievously and started to chase the cat around the small office.

“Ah, those are Zorua and Skitty! How do you like them?” the assistant asked, picking up the Zorua and patting the soft puff of fur on its forehead. 

“Could I possibly see the last one before deciding?”


Sage picked up the last Pokeball, and it opened almost as soon as his hand met its surface. A creature resembling a blue reptile of some sort, with gray ridges spanning from its head to its neck. It glared at the other two Pokemon, and then looked back at Sage.

“Do you know which one you’d like now? Zorua, Skitty, or Bagon?”

“Hm...” Sage looked over the Pokemon once more, before kneeling down and petting the Skitty softly. “I think I’ll take this one.”

Skitty leaped into his arms and nuzzled him, letting out an excited meow. Sage giggled and poked at its swishing tail. The assistant handed him a Pokeball and demonstrated how to use items, Pokeballs, and how to battle using Skitty.

The professor barged into the room shortly after, but instead of greeting him, the assistant bolted for another exit, leaving behind everything. Sage looked around confusedly, and the Skitty in his arms wriggled, as if trying to escape. “Sage, where did you get that Skitty? I don’t recall telling my assistants to give you one of those as a choice! Call it back at once!”

Sage did as the professor said, and handed the Pokeball back to him. “I believe that was a member of an evil team we’ve been trying to keep out for a while. Its very likely that these Pokemon have been stolen from another trainer. The Skitty seemed to not trust you as soon as the man left the room. Hopefully we can catch this thief and return these three Pokemon to their rightful owner.”

“Anyways, I suppose you should come back tomorrow to get a Pokemon, as we close very soon. I noticed you were also lacking a map, I will go retrieve one from the back for you.” The professor vanished, and then entered again with a parcel. “This should fit in your bag, and you should be able to find your way around this large city with ease! I don’t wish for you to get in trouble, so off with you!”

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