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We went into the living room and sat down for Isac to continue his story. Before he even started I could see this was taking a toll on his mental and physical health. I wonder why since it seems like they haven't seen each other in awhile.

Isac huffed out a sigh " Fair warning I might snap at you during this. It's a horrible story it kinda makes you broken in a way where very few things can act as glue and put you back together. Are you Ready?" I nodded my head in reply.

"Alright here it goes," he took a deep breath and continued with a pained expression I reached out and held his giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I don't know how old I was about six or seven when this started happening and you know as a seven year old you can't really do anything except take it. My mom had it happen to her too when we would get to school that was the happiest I would see her because there wasn't a chance of me being hurt.

Oddly enough some of my best memories are whenever I was that little because when my dad was off on a business trip we could do anything we wanted to do. We would go to carnivals , water parks , ice cream parlors anything we felt like doing. I remember one time we got our faces painted and went into a photo booth to take all kinds photos. " He smiled faintly at all the good memories running through his head.

He sighed " Of course all those times were kinda bittersweet because when my dad came home it was all ruined. My da- I don't even want to say that name. I mean David refused to let us go especially since my sister was on the way. Three years later my dad was abusing my mom and me when my sister came in to see why we were crying.
  He moved over to her and told her to leave , when she didn't he slapped her across the face. I had enough what my dad did not know was that I had been training. I had been training since I was thirteen. All I could see was red I was furious I beat him and we got away. We had been planning to leave for awhile so we had our stuff packed." He paused and without realizing it he was silently crying and I was wiping them away slowly telling him to breath.

   "That's not the end he has been searching for us. He has found us but we just settled down and he only wants me , not anyone else so I have to go where he can't find me. I don't want my family to get hurt." I can't let him leave me he's the only one I have really opened up too. He can't leave me all alone. Suddenly I got an idea.

"Hey , I will be right back ok?" I left him there as I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

~15 minutes later~

I came back into the room slyly hiding my smile." Isac, will you stay with us? Before you interrupt I have already asked and they have agreed." I saw that look he was going to question me." And no, I did not divulge alot of details. Listen my brother needs a best friend that doesn't want to be his friend for his money. Not just his twin I can't talk about girls with him or other guy stuff. That's where you come in."

Without saying anything he gets up and pulls me into a bone crushing hug."thank you." He whispers to me .


Hey guys I am really really sorry I had it all written out but you know what happened it deleted and I was mad that I didn't update

Currently I am sitting here not doing anything because guess what I twisted both of my ankles and am now wearing two braces

Lovely right?


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