Chapter Four "Mysteries"

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"Hey get up!", Riverking yelled," there's a gathering. "
"I'm awake.", I said.

Then he walked away and joined everyone at the gathering. I really had no choice but to go.

"Everyone!", Silverstar shouted, "we gather here tonight to celebrate a new warrior!"

Rainpaw stood up proudly knowing he was moments away from becoming a warrior.

"I now name you Rainstorm! ",Silverstar said proudly ," Rainstorm do you promise to not only follow the Warrior Code but to also defend your clan with your life?"
Rainstorm answered," I do."

Everyone started chanting Rainstorm, Rainstorm, Rainstorm, for what seemed like forever. I somehow managed to get through the group surrounding him and say congratulations.

" Hey Rainstorm!", I shouted.
"Yeah?" ,Rainstorm answered.
"Congratulations on becoming a warrior!", I yelled.
"Thanks! ", Rainstorm said.

I left the gathering so I could finally have some time alone to think. Why did this "Rainstar" visit me? One of Flowerblooms kits are evil! How could this be? I have so many questions and few answers. But for starters why would this burdon be put on me? I'm only a warrior!

"Birchblossom!", Riverking shouted, sorry about the rude awakening. "
"Its alright", I said forgiving him.
"One more thing", he said, "you were moving around a lot during your sleep, are you ok?"

Now is my chance to tell him my dreams, after all he is my best friend. But I still don't know.....

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