The Child

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With the new Hive born, the Black Xenomorph Queen ordered her children to bring back as many hosts as possible, preferably strong ones to be used as Praetorian hosts. The Xenomorphs obeyed and tore their way through a facility full of people. The leader of the group felt an odd presence and she headed towards a small room, that had blood leaking out from under the door. She hissed a bit and opened the door using her tail, her sisters following her. Upon arrival, they noticed a small being. The being was curled up and crying, with blood all over its body. The leader gently approached the being, ordering her sisters to guard the door. The little being looked at the big black creature and his mind opened enough for the Xenomorphs to hear him. "Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me" his mind begged. The Xenomorph was surprised that the small human could speak. One of her sisters saw a box of supplies specifically for healing wounds. The little boy noticed what it was. He opened it and wrapped a bandage around his wounds on his body. The leader decided the little boy was probably not going to be safe, so she gently lifted him into her arms and headed back towards the Hive. The little boy gently held onto the Xenomorph's ribs, the bony structure feeling cool and smooth. As the Xenomorphs headed back to the Hive with plenty of hosts, the little boy they'd picked up along the way was laid over the leader's shoulder, grabbing one of the tubes on her back.

Soon they reached the Hive and all the Humans were impregnated, except for the little boy

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Soon they reached the Hive and all the Humans were impregnated, except for the little boy. The leader brought the boy up to their Mother and the boy reached towards the huge being. The Queen gently held the little one in her small inner arms, smiling as the boy touched her crest, stroking the leathery exoskeleton
"You're beautiful" The little boy spoke. The whole Hive was surprised and they all smiled as the Queen rocked the little boy. Soon the Queen lowered her head and the boy willingly merged his mind with the Hive, becoming a member.
"What is your name little one?" The Queen asked the little boy, who spoke with his mind so the whole Hive could hear him
"My name is Thomas. I have no family, they're.....they're dead"
A few tears fell from Thomas' eyes and the whole Hive shared his sorrow. They all headed up to their little brother and sent warm and comforting thoughts to his mind. The Queen decided she'd be his mother
"Fret not, little one. You have a mother now. Me"
Thomas slowly stopped crying and hugged his new mother's face
"Thank you, mother"

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