Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Aaron POV:

"Hottie at 5 o'clock"

"How about 3 o'clock?"

Jacob and I had been on the boardwalk almost all day just wasting time and looking at girls. I was beginning to become bored.

"Hey want to go grab a milkshake or something and call it a day?" I asked as I stood up from the bench we had occupied for the past hour.

"Sure. I'm starting to loose interest with all these sexy girls anyway" Jacob said as he stood up. "They are only fun to look at for so long."

We walked about a block and bought 2 milkshakes that weren't very good. I should have know. They were too cheap to be good. It felt good to be holding something cold though. We sat down on the bench outside the ice-cream place and didn't really say much to each other for a few minutes, just tried to enjoy the milkshakes.

I was getting ready to go throw out my cup when Jacob stopped me.

"Oh my gosh. Look over there. Do you see those two gingers!?" He pointed a little down the boardwalk and I saw them.

"They're gorgeous! And they're the first gingers I've seen all day!" I said as I sat back down on the bench, staring at them. "I wish I had the guts to talk to one of them"

"Why do you need the guts when you have me?"

Before I could stop him, Jacob stood up and whistled at the girls. Gosh he could be embarrassing sometimes. It seemed like he had no filter.

The girls stopped and looked confused. Good maybe they wouldn't see us and would just keep walking. Shoot. They're looking our way.

"Hey come here!" yelled Jacob waving his arms like some psychopath. Does he ever stop!?

The girls started walking towards us.

"What the heck are you doing!?" I half yelled half whispered to Jacob

"Well you sure don't have the guts you wanted but I do so I thought we could actually talk to a girl today"

The girls were in front of us now both smiling. Man. Both of them were even prettier up close. And it wasn't like five pounds of makeup kind of pretty. It was just natural flawlessness.

Before I could think of anything to say, Jacob was already talking.

"Hey my name's Jacob and this is my friend Aaron" Wow he sure was putting us out there. "We happened to see you two walk by and were wondering if you were single" What the heck was he doing!? I thought he was going to talk to them not hook up with them! I knew I started blushing. I mean how could I not.

"YES" the blue eyed one said really fast. She sure seemed excited at the question which made me smile. She had a cute voice and amazing eyes.

I thought I should try and get a word in before Jacob started talking again. "So how long are you staying here for?"

"About a week" said the one with the brown eyes. She seemed full of energy.

Wait a week!? We would be here a week. I knew Jacob would say something about it. But what if the girls didn't want to hang out with us. I didn't want to sound desperate.

"Same! Oh my gosh we should hang out sometime this week!" There he goes, making us sound desperate.

Luckily both the girls seemed up to this. We all exchanged phone numbers and talked for about twenty minutes. I found out the blue eyed one was named Victoria and the other was named Shaina. Victoria was so cute. I was hoping Jacob would go for Shaina so I could have Victoria to myself.

Shaina ended up getting a phone call from her mom saying they had to go back for dinner. We said our goodbyes and then they started walking back down the boardwalk.

Once they were pretty far away Jacob and I started talking about what we could do with them and he established that he wanted Shaina which was fine by me. We then headed back to our beach house for the night. The only thing on my mind being Victoria.

Meet Me By The Ocean (an Aaron Carpenter and Jacob Whitesides fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now