The Secrets Beyond Death - Chapter 1 : The Locket

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  • Dedicated kay Chris Baltazar

Author's note : when iI was writing  the chapter In was really into writing it but when I try to write for the next chapter I fell like I wanna delete the story until I force my self to write then I'll soon be having my inspiration back ahahaha the weirdness ahahahahah enjoy my first ever written story in wattpad I'm usually  familiar with making comics than writing the story ahahaha.









CHAPTER 1 THE LOCKET :"They say that Death is beginning of a new life, now

I Reveal the Secrets that lie beyond death"






                  Hello Reader my name is John Richard Bailey, I'm 17 years old , a high school student but ever since that locket came around my Whole life changed. Its was A Monday morning  I was on my way to school, I was waiting for the school bus when an old lady with a black shawl appeared on the other side of the street she looked very scary and sinister as if she is a ghost and as i looked into her eyes , all i can see is a pit of black hole and as she attempted to cross the street to approach me but the school bus finally came, as quick as the bus arrived I rushed inside and as I look upon the window I saw her as she glared  at me and as her eyes follow the  bus as it drove away, as I lost sight of  her I sat back and took a deep breathe and rubbed my eyes as I Head on to school. finally I arrived and I stumbled upon my friends Mike Sylvester, Leslie Martinez , and Vlademay  Rocco  we all went to class and pretty much from then on Things Went normal

                Lunch time came and as me  and my friends eat  I suddenly looked up the window and saw the old lady again . I was So frightened that I bounced up the table and I spilled my lunch all of my friends looked at me with confusion, so to create less commotion I Just sat back and continued eating even though my lunch was all over the floor, I pretended that nothing happened .

               School was over so my friends and I Planned to go to the mall to hang out as we were  crossing the street, the old lady showed up again and this time she called me by my name She shouted Richard!! as she rushed across the street holding a Locket but unfortunately she was rammed by a car and flown across the block , she was dead on the spot my friends looked at me with a horrified expression.


                                  I was shocked as I saw the Corpse of that old lady bleeding with her head twisted 360 degrees , Immediately I ran back home my mom saw me and asked how was my day, I couldn't tell her that i just witnessed a death of an old lady so i just looked at her with no expression and run up to my room as I approached my  bed i tripped on my skate board and something fell out of my pocket.....

             It was the Locket that the old lady was holding in her hand before she died and as I realized it I threw it at the wall and it fell down the floor and opened .










         as  I looked at it  black smoke came out of it as if  a ghost was coming out of it..... as the smoke transforms and shows its figure ,a floating man like figure  with a skull for a face  It was no one else but the  Grimm reaper himself... I shouted for help but it seems, that my room turned sound proof and no one can here me , My room started to crumble and my stuff turned dust and was rotting away the reaper  talk to me and said "John Richard...... you have received the locket of death and all of its powers have been passed on to you by "Elizabeth Gregory" the Old lady that was ran over by a car earlier for she has chosen you to be the next savior." and I fearfully replied" savior of what?" he said " savior of the souls who were not meant to be punished in hell but was brought there other wise..  "


                      I replied " why did she chose me ? " reaper said " Cause you lacked faith therefor you are punished and was granted as the next savior of the souls.... your quest will begin tomorrow, think of it as a gift from death must ask for forgiveness Richard and have faith in GOD once more or you will go to hell.....   the smoke was sent back inside the locket and everything turned back to normal and I suddenly felt dizzy and fell down  not  knowing that by tomorrow I'd be starting my quest to save souls as if it was all just a bad dream  ,BUT ITS NOT.













 Disclaimer: Reader this is to inform you that evrything appearing in the story was originally                                       conceptualized by the author (me),and none among the characters,places,and events used here are existing in real life. if there is , its just coincidental. thanks

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