Chapter 3

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Alex's POV:

As I walked away all I could think about was Mia. Why had I never noticed her before I mean she is beautiful and the way she looked at me I knew she was not just in a hurry something had happened and I am going to find out.

My thoughts were then rudely interrupted by my best friend Scott practically knocking me over.

"Hey Alex! Ready for the big game Friday?"He asked me as he swung his arm over my shoulder.

"Yea,yea." I said half heartedly."say,what do you know about that one girl that goes here, Mia, I mean?"

He looked at me with a questioning look on his face,"dude! Are you serious? why are you asking about her? She is a nobody no one talks to her."

"What!? Really!? Why?" I asked very surprised and angry at him.

" I don't know she is just different and she's not even your type so why do you care?" He stated as he punched my shoulder."Anyway, you got the big game to worry about, don't waist any of your time on her.

"You know what Scott! I thought you were better than that! Who cares if she is different and besides who are you to judge her!?" I yelled at him as I stormed off.

How could Scott be so rude? I mean I thought Scott, of all people, would be more understanding after all he is or at least I thought he was suppose to be my best friend.

I was now extremely late to class, but of course no one will say anything seeing as my father is the principal of the school.

As I walk in I notice that Mia is in this class with me, which by the way is Literature class.

"Hey Mia." I said to her as I sat in the seat next to her.

She looked at me very surprised, as if it was weird that I wanted to sit by her I don't understand why though she is so kind and like I said before beautiful.

"Hi Alex."she whispered back."I never saw you in literature class before."

I smiled at her as I whispered back," thats because I never did before, but I need another credit and this is the only class I could take, also I love reading so I was glad to take it."

"Really!?" She asked me in surprise. Then she got serious," I thought you were only into basketball? Thats all I ever see you and your friends talking about."she said as she looked down at her hands.

I felt awful. She has noticed me all this time, I mean of course I am the team captain of the basket ball team, but its sad that she noticed me and I never even saw her and she only knows one thing about me. That I am the school jock! More like the school jerk!

I looked at her seriously now,"Mia? I am so sorry I never noticed you before and I would like to ask if you would go out with me sometime?"

She looked shocked and her eyes lit up with joy,"I would love to!" She said with such joy I smiled ear to ear.

" great!" I stated. " its a date. Can I pick you up Saturday around, lets say seven O' clock?"

"Sure."she answered." Seven sounds good to me.

Then she went back to reading her book. Man is she ever beautiful and I have a date with her on Saturday.

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