"You look fabulous love", Lou, One Direction's stylist said to me while eyeing the dress I had picked out.
"Thank you, can you do my makeup today"? I asked, knowing I couldn't do my makeup like Perrie Edwards would wear hers. Her makeup was always perfect. Mine doesn't even compare.
"Well yeah, sure". She answered. Lou was flawless. She wore right skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and that white hair made her look like a total hipster. Everyone was so beautiful in One Direction's world.
After my makeup was done, the boys and I loaded onto the One Direction tour bus. It was really cozy in there, like a small apartment. Louis and Niall rushed to the back of the bus to play FIFA and Liam plopped down on one of the bunks, slipping head phones in to his ears. Harry, Zayn, and I sat down at a small table.
"I'm going to go have a wee". Zayn said, standing up and walking to the bathroom.
"Well you look lovely this morning, Perrie". Harry said.
"Aw well thank you Harry, you don't look too bad yourself". I replied, and he didn't. His hair was combed back, his eyes were a glowing bright green, and his lips had taken a delicious color of pinkish red this morning. It was hard not to stare. I mean I was staring, and I could tell Harry had noticed because when I looked back up at his eyes, his eyebrows were arched a small smirk was playing at the corner of his lips.
"I guess Lou did a good job on my hair this morning". He said, grinning.
"Uh yes. I was admiring it". I quickly answered.
Soon we had pulled up at The Today Show studio. I stood up and peered out of a small window on the side of the bus, and a sea of fans was as far as the eye could see. Filling every corner of every street. I gulped, staring out at the crowd I was going to be facing.
"You can stay in the bus if you want". Zayn said, standing up next to me.
"uh yeah I'd like that". I answered, and soon all the boys had gotten off the bus, leaving me on my own to find something to do. I knew I would be in here for a few hours.
I picked up Perrie's phone and found the twitter app. She was signed into Little Mix's page. I turned on the front camera, giving a big smile and tweeted
"Wonderful morning here in NYC, hope you guys are having a good morning too. Perrie xx".
I looked at my mentions after tweeting and what I read was disgusting. A lot of people had tweeted things like.
"Wow. Your marrying Zayn. Lol you guys never even look happy together #zerrieisfake".
"Fuck you! Zayn is mine, you fat whore"
"My morning is awful. Your marrying the love of my life".
I know they were just jealous but shouldn't they respect Zayn and Perrie's decision to get married?
Obviously Zerrie is real. I know that for a fact now.
Soon, I began to think about my own body. I wonder if Perrie is in it, and if she is, what is she doing? I felt bad for her all of sudden. If she is in my body then my terrible life was now hers. She lost Zayn and her band. Hopefully she's fine.
About an hour later, I heard the very familiar intro of 'What Makes You Beautiful' begin to play.
Soon, the boys were getting back on the bus. A little more rowdy now. All of them had ginormous smiles on their face and were laughing like kids. Directioners made them this way.

Swapping bodies with Perrie Edwards
FanfictionWhat would you do if one day you woke up and you were the one and only Perrie Edwards? Well that's what happened to Stacy Williams. Stacy dedicated her whole world to a british\irish boy band by the name of One Direction, and on her fifteenth birt...