Perrie's POV
My eyes shot open to the sound of a familiar song by One Direction, my boyfriends band.
"What the hell"? I muttered.
Just then, I noticed I was staring up at a giant poster of Louis Tomlinson. I sat straight up in the bed. Now noticing that it was a very small twin bed.
WHERE AM I?! I looked around the room; and posters of One Direction were as far as the eye could see. I sat up, and quickly pulled myself out of the bed, only to get tangled up in the sheets and tumble to the floor.
A couple seconds after I fell, a door swung open. A chubby man with black hair stood with a startled expression. "Are you okay Stacy!" He asked worried.
I let out a shrill scream and pushed myself in to the corner. "I don't know who you are, or where you have taken me, but my friends and family will be here any minute to save me. Don't take another step"! I yelled.
His face twisted into a confused face. "Stacy.. Please don't scream like that. I have a headache. Come on, you've got to come run some errands with me in town". He turned and walked out of the room after that.
Soon my breathing became heavy and my heart was racing. I've been kidnapped! I rushed to a door and swung it open, only to reveal a bathroom.
I almost started running again, but I noticed something strange in the bathroom mirror. I turned and looked at my self. My jaw dropped.
"Whhaaaaaa... What.. What?!" I said, unable to express what I was seeing into words.
I had thick brown hair that stopped at my shoulders, and a teenage girls body. I had some acne and light brown eyes.
I panicked. I am in someone else's body!!!
I closed my eyes and opened them again just to realize that this was actually happening. I turned back to the bedroom covered in one direction posters, and saw a cell phone on the night stand. I rushed over to it. Dialing the first persons number who came to mind. Zayn.
It rang 4 times before I finally heard his voice.
"Who is this"? I heard my boyfriend say.
"Um it's Perrie! You'll never believe what's happened"! I said in an American accent.
I heard him groan behind the phone. "So how many other girls have my number"? He said in a sort of annoyed voice.
"What are you talking about Zayn?? This is serious! I am stuck in the body of some girl"!! I screamed. I probably sounded insane.
"Um okay.. Please don't give my phone number out to anyone. I have to change my number if you do that ya know?" Zayn spoke softly before hanging up.
I could feel tears brimming my eyes, and falling down my cheeks. "Okay.. Get it together Perrie, I told myself.
I looked back down at the phone and pressed emergency call.
"Hello this is 911 what is your emergency?"
"Um I think I've been kidnapped, my name is Perrie Edwards! I don't look like Perrie though. I look like someone else, but I think I am in someone else's body"! I said frantically.
"Mam do you know that it is illegal to make prank telephone calls". The woman said on the phone.
"This is not a prank" I yelled.
"Mam please do not call us again".
She said before the phone clicked.
I was furious! Nobody believed me! I know... Who could blame them, but I can't be stuck in someone else's body.
Right then, the phone in my hand went off. It was a twitter notification, it was telling me that.... LITTLE MIX TWEETED! I quickly opened it.
It was a tweet that said "on our way to the airport, but see you again soon mixers! Xx Jesy".
It came with a picture. It was Leigh-Anne; Jade, Jesy, and..... Me! I never took this picture! Someone else is in my body! Oh no...! This cannot be happening. What do I do?!
I was so scared. I stared around the room. There was a picture of a girl and I guess her name is "Stacy", in a picture frame. I looked down at the floor and saw a magazine, and it was open to a page with me on it. This girl must be a mixer and a directioner.
Okay okay... Think. What does everyone in the movies do when this happens to them? I groaned... They usually have to learn some dumb lesson before they switch back.
I guess it's worth a shot. I'm going to have to figure something out, but in the mean time I better get dressed and follow that man, who I am guessing is this girls dad.
I opened her closet, and there were a few t-shirts and sweaters. I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of leggings. I didn't really care what I was wearing. I walked out of the bedroom, and saw a staircase. I figured that I needed to go down there.
When I reached the bottom f the stairs, I saw the man standing by the door.
"Oh just in time. Are you ready to go" he asked.
"Um... Yeah". I said quietly.
"Are you okay sweetheart"? The man asked.
"Yeah I'm fine". I said out loud, but I was screaming on the inside.
I have to get a way out of this.

Swapping bodies with Perrie Edwards
أدب الهواةWhat would you do if one day you woke up and you were the one and only Perrie Edwards? Well that's what happened to Stacy Williams. Stacy dedicated her whole world to a british\irish boy band by the name of One Direction, and on her fifteenth birt...