Telling parents and getting kicked out

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Mya's POV

Shit mom's back. As everyone was staring at everyone I slowly hid behind Leo.
"What are-"
"Shhh just let me hide here." I whisper as Leo turns back to looking at the parents.
"Umm...we have good news..." Leo said rubbing his neck.
"Yea...umm Raph and Swift can go first!" I point towards Raph and Swift and they scowl at me.
"My sons would you like to explain." He said.
"Yea dad umm swift and I are erm...adopting a child!" Raph said the last part quickly.
"Congratulations." Him and mom said in unison.
"We know it's gonna be a hard thing to do but please let us- wait what?" Swift just realized what he said.
"I'm glad for you. You two will make great fathers to a child you has no one." He smiled at them. They looked at us and stuck their tongues out. Mom quickly turned to us.
"My girls please come out and stand before me." She commanded. I rolled my eyes. I got up from behind Leo. Jade and Mikayla stood in front of us. I slowly followed and awkwardly stood next to them.
"Mom we love you." Mikayla started to soften her up.
"What's going on?" Mom growled at us.
"Jade?" I look at her. She glared at me.
"Mikayla?" Jade turned and looked at Mikayla.
"Jade you're the oldest so you tell the fantastic news." She gave a "haha" glare to her.
" So you know how the guys got us during mating season?" Jade said with a slight smirk.
"Yes and?" Mom said with a scowl on her face.
"We are- you are gonna be....a grandmother..." Jade finally blurted out. Mom stared at us shocked than her face became angry.
"You have an hour to pack." She said crossing her arms.
"W-what?" I asked.
"I don't want little kids running around her and this company will go in the dust. I don't want you guys to be known as my daughters. You will destroy my reputation. Now go!" She shooed us away to pack. We were crying. We heard the guys yelling at mom.
"What the hell Saline!" Leo yelled.
"I can't believe you just disowned your children! They are going to be better mothers than you will ever be!" Mc yelled.
"And you will realize that this is the right thing." She sassed. We got in the elevator and went to each other's floors to help each other pack.
No ones POV

Downstairs everyone was fighting as the girls packed.
"My sons please calm down." Splinter said angrily. Mc and Leo still went at it.
"You are the worst example ever! Maybe the girls didn't want to sing anymore! They sure as hell don't want to be stuck here with you!" Mc yelled.
"...fucking twat..." Ghost mumbled to himself crossing his arms.
"Splinter help us out here!" Leo asked his father for advice and stand up for them.
"I can't be the part of children who aren't mine." Splinter said sadly. Rebel and Donnie butted in as well.
"Fuck you Saline! Those girls are excited to be mothers." Donnie yelled.
"I sure as hell hope they don't want you ever see their kids!" Rebel added.
"Yo this is messed up." Mikey mumbled to himself trying not to but in.
"You know what we are moving out!" Leo finally shouted. Everyone looked at him.
"If that's what you want Leonardo than you may go."
"Same for me. We all can live together and take care of the kids." Mc added. Putting an arm around Leo's shoulders.
"Moving out ain't a bad idea." Rebel said with approval.
"Agreed." Raph and Donnie said at the same time. Ghost nodded.
"I'll move!" Mikey yelled happily.
"Let's do it." Swift said wrapping an arm around Raph. The girls came out the elevator with multiple suitcases. Their boyfriends helped them and they packed the cars and bikes with many items.
"We actually have a condo we can live at up north." Donnie said. Everyone nodded. After packing up the girls flicked off their mom and they drove off with their boyfriends and friends. They packed the car with the guys stuff from their place. Everyone was excited for the new lifestyle they're gonna have. They pulled up to the place. It was large and beautiful. There was definitely enough space for all of them. They unpacker and got comfortable at the new place. The following week Raph and Swift went out to fill out the adoption papers and wait for baby to be ready. Apparently they already had one picked out. This was gonna be a new change for them.

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