Chapter 6 • New Roomate

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I was sitting in my new house, in my new room, with my new roommate helping me unpack.

I finally got freedom from my mom, somewhere calm that the people didn't hate you one second then want to be your best friend and then go back to hating you.

Oh wait, confused? Let's go back about 2 days.


I walked into the Pizzeria looking for one of the others. Sure, I've only known them for a couple weeks but hopefully I could stay with one of them.

I went into the main room and didn't see anyone, the lights were off but there was still a slight light coming from outside.

I walked around some more until I heard humming in one of the party rooms.

I walked in and saw a guy with bleach blond hair and headphones on, cleaning the floors. "Hello?" I said. He didn't seem like he noticed me, so I went over and tapped his shoulder.

He jumped back and dropped the mop, "Hello, sorry I didn't hear you. Did you need something?" He asked.

"I was wondering if any of the other night guards were here" I said. "Nope, it's just me. Hey, Your the new night guard, right? I think your name was... (Y/N)?" He shrugged.

I smiled and nodded. He shook my hand and smiled, "I'm Crystal, but you can just call me Chris" I shook his hand and slouched into on of the chairs.

"So know one is here" I mumbled. "You okay?" Chris asked.

"I really don't want to go back to my house" I sighed, "I was hoping I'd be able to stay with one of the others for a while"

Chris sat down next to me and shrugged, "Well, I know we literally just met but... I might be able to find a place for you" He said "I just bought a new apartment down the road and you could stay with me if you need"

"Thanks, I'll see if I can get a hold of anyone else first but if I can't find anywhere I'll call you" I said. Chris smiled and grabbed a napkin from the table and write something down, "That's my number, call me if you need anything"



I called everyone. Nothing. Hell, I even called Vincent and I couldn't stay there, though that may be a good thing.

I sighed and put my hands in my pocket. Wait, I had Chris's phone number! I could still call him!

I grabbed the napkin with his number from my pocket and dialed the number.


"Hi, this is (Y/N). Um... we met the other day"

"Oh! Hey (Y/N), did you ever find a place to stay or were you calling to stay with me?"

"I was hoping I could stay with you"

"Sure! I live at (Insert Random Address), come over any time. Bye (Y/N)" He hung up and I put my phone back down.

I grabbed a few things I would need, some clothes, a blanket and pillow, and a couple basic essentials. Once I got some things I walked downstairs from my room and saw my mom wasn't there. Perfect.

I walked out the front door and quickly put my things in the backseat and drove to Chris's address.

It was a pretty nice looking apartment complex, nothing to nice but it wasn't bad either. I walked in and saw that the elevator was out of order and had to take the stairs.

Once I finally got to Chris's apartment I knocked on the door. After a couple seconds I heard the door unlocking and Chris let me inside. "Thanks for letting me stay" I said.

"No problem! After all it might be fun to have a roommate"

"So, where is my room?" I asked. "It's right down the hall to your right" He pointed down the hall and I brought my bags to the small room. It wasn't to bad, it was a cozy room with a window and a closet.

"So? What do you think?" I turned around and saw Chris leaned on the side of the door. "It looks great. I'm finally out of that Hell I had to call home" I sighed.

"Well you can bring your stuff here anytime you want" He said. His phone started ringing, "I gotta answer this" He went into the living room and answer his phone. I went to the end of the hall and tried to hear what he was saying, but I couldn't here much.

He hung up his phone and came back to my room. I ran back and saw him come into my room, "I have to go to work, I'll see you later" He turned back and rushed to get out the door, he seemed kinda worried. I decided to shrug it off and go see Jeremy.


I walked into the hospital and went to the second floor, seventh room. When I walked in I saw Mike and Jeremy talking, "Hey guys" I smiled.

"Hey (N/N)" Mike waved at me and Scott ed over so I could sit next to him.

"So you doing alright Jere?" I asked. He shrugged and was quiet for a moment, "I'm fine I guess. The doctors said I'll be able soon, but everything still hurts" He gave a small laugh that really could break your heart.

"Are you still going to be working at Freddy's?"

"Unfortunately" He sighed. I felt bad for the poor kid.

We all looked up when we heard the door opening and saw a girl with dark brown hair tied up in a short ponytail and a doctor's uniform. "Hello. I'm doctor Kasey, we need to run some test and that requires you to be out of the room. He'll be able to have visitors in a short while" She said. She had a calm smile and a bit to much makeup.

Me and Mike got up and I whispered a quick "Bye Jere" as we left the room.

"Sooo, you doing anything today?" Mike asked. "Nope" I replied.

"Well I was wondering if you, maybe, would want to hang out later? I-I mean if you want to it fine if you don't" He asked shyly.

I smiled back at him before replying, "Sure! I don't really have anything better to do"

We walked out of the hospital and the first thing I saw was Vincent and Scott talking. Great.

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