『Rose-Colored Boy』

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"Oh Mattsun look!" Makki pointed to the stars.

"Hercules! Corona Borealis! Delphinus!" Makki's index skimmed across the sapphire skies pointing to the groups of glistening lights above.

"You hang out with Oikawa and Tsukkishima too much." The raven retorted back, earning a heart warming giggle and a light punch to the shoulder from his strawberry friend.

"We're in the same astronomy class dummy. Kinda hard not too."

The pair laid in silence as Mattsun pulled away at the blades of grass, a nervous tick of his. He always had to be pulling apart at something, disassembling things. "Mattsun, one of these days, I'm going to kidnap you and we're gonna see the world." The raven's heart thumped a bit unsteadily as the strawberry leaned his head on his friend's shoulder, his soft pink hair brushing away at his neck and chin, the rose gold chains that connected his ear cuff and twin garnet studs making a soft clinking noise that brought Mattsun at ease. The jewelry had been a gift for his nineteenth birthday from Mattsun himself. Makki just loved piercings.

Which is why Mattsun got him one for every occasion.

"You know what today is, Mattsun?" Makki flipped himself, practically crawling onto the other male, his face only centimeters from the other.

"Don't know don't care." Shrugging a shoulder, Makki of course lost balance and fell into the shoulder of an annoyed boy. "Rude Mattsun!"

Mattsun of course knew what day it was, his birthday. Not that it mattered. Makki still wasn't his. All he ever wanted was Makki.

Makki giggled once again, his laughter reminding him that Makki never was and never will be his. He remembered the night Makki was in tears for an unknown reason and vowed to never fall in love. He also remembered how Makki never broke a promise.

"Definitely been hanging around with Oikawa." Makki pouted before gripping onto Mattsun's arm. A grin made it's way to the raven as he pet Makki who hummed happily in response, snuggling close before flaunting about another constellation. Mattsun rolled his eyes, mad at himself because a star was more interesting than him. Then again, what wasn't?

Makki sat up and made his way behind Mattsun, without much warning, he tugged at the raven's dark locks and pulled him onto his lap, earning a large yelp from his friend. Makki giggled once again. "I sound like who again?"

Mattsun grinned. "Now you're sounding like the Makki I know n'-" He had to stop himself from yelling out the love part. Makki of course took no notice as he began to play with the raven's hair, humming away happily to himself. "How do you get your hair to be so soft Mattsun? Not fair!"

"I wasn't aware Oikawa was here. Also there's this thing called conditioning." Makki rolled his eyes. "Yeah but what kind do you use?" Makki lean forward, the two males' foreheads pressed against each other as the strawberry inhaled the sent of the fresh strawberries themselves. "Did you steal my shampoo, Mattsun?" Makki asked as he brought himself up.

"I ran out." Makki playfully rolled his eyes, remembering very well that this morning his strawberry shampoo this morning disappeared, so he ended up using Mattsun's stupid sea breeze. Makki couldn't help but giggle. "Riiiiiight..."

Mattsun began to play with his silver bracelet and yawned. He didn't need a watch to know that it was nearly three in the morning. He only agreed to stargaze at Makki's secret stargazing hill at one in the morning because Makki asked him to. He could never say no to Makki, even if his requests sometimes did seemed outrageous.

Rose-Colored Boy {Matsuhana} [One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now