The Light In The Darkness

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No one will stand up for us so, I guess I will. This is my chance to finally make a

difference in this miserable city. My name is Willow Hurst and with my grandma at my

side, I will bring peace to the city of Bellport, but I won't be able to do it alone. I needed

the assistance of every known citizen in Bellport. I don't care if I have to barge in his office or not! He will change his crude ways!. We need a new mayor that can run this city with pride and respect and that is not Mayor Runswell.

Currently, it is 9:00 am in Bellport and I just got out of my bed. It's just a ripped up, flimsy mattress on a rough patch of dirt. But, once you sleep on it enough you'll get used it. The heavenly aroma of grandma's breakfast boosted me out of bed. As I sauntered towards the kitchen the scent grew stronger. Mind you, our kitchen isn't perfect. It isn't really anything actually. However, grandma loves to cook and that makes her happy. If that makes her happy, then I'm happy too.

As I settled at the table, grandma spoke in her usual tone, "Willow, did you remember that Mayor Runswell is giving a speech in Grand Bell Square today?"

Everyone has been talking about Mayor Runswell laying down a new law. Oh yeah, now I remembered that our good for nothing mayor will be flapping his gums for at least an hour. All I want to do is kick him in the rear end with my vibrant red boots. I don't understand why the entire city is still being taken advantage of. It's been 20 years! The only thing that can relax me now is a fantastic humour filled book.

"Grandma, I'm heading to the library".

As I was running and deciding on the book I should read, I caught a glimpse of someone who sat against a decrepit building near the library. He looked my age and really bummed out and beat up. The body beared signs of movement, but that still looked like an unhealthy individual. Sympathy oozed out of my skin. I ever so slightly inched towards the emotionless body. In mere seconds the mysterious figure stood tall and to my surprise it was a boy with a pitch black trench coat and he was wearing a beige flat cap.


Those words would not stop repeating themselves in my head: Welcome to Bellport, where the buildings are old. Where the sky is always pitch black, and artificial light floods the land. I could always remember two words in particular. Jayden Blaze, Jayden Blaze, Jayden Blaze. I decided to address myself by those two words. I had no idea what they meant and I still don't. I don't even know how I arrived here. What does this mean for my future? Only time will tell and hopefully that will happen sooner than later.

When I set foot in Bellport I had no one to accompany me. I was alone and for all I know, I have always been alone. I survived by eating the small amount of scraps off of the dirty ground. The people of Bellport have unknowingly helped me out by throwing scraps out of their buildings. Somehow, I managed to survive for 9 grueling years. Surprisingly, It hasn't been difficult for me whatsoever. Just like today; it was just another day, but something was quite different about today. I witnessed several people cluster together in Grand Bell Square. I didn't wish to see the outcome of this situation, so I took a peaceful nap on the chilly, cracked ground. As I was taking my harmonious nap, the citizens' bickering removed me from my resting state. "5 more minutes", I whined to myself. I had no choice now, but to see why everyone was so ancy. I scanned the crowd in an attempt to accomplish something. I then spotted a girl with a straw hat and glossy red boots warily stepping in my direction. I thought, Is she lost?.What does she want with me? In a concerned voice she said, "Are you alright sir?"

To which I reply with, "What are you talking about?" No one had called me 'sir' before. What does that even mean? After a few minutes of an introverted conversation, we had addressed our names and what we liked and disliked. We surprisingly disliked the same thing: That gear-grinding Mayor Runswell.

The Mayor appointed some his 'men' to clean the scraps off of the streets. Those scraps are the only thing that kept me alive in this gloomy city. The only reason I could tell that they were appointed by Runswell was because those officials looked, well, official! I stumbled to my feet with some assistance from Willow and we commenced our investigation in the center of Grand Bell Square. That crumby old man, I thought.

As we approached the anxious community, we distinctly glared the mayor seconds away from sharing his speech. His face was kooky looking and his skin resembled the droopy features of a bulldog's drool. I almost bursted out laughing.


Jayden almost cracked up over the sight of Mayor Runswell's face and I'm not going to lie, I almost did too.

"Ahem", the mayor said in a snooty tone. "Greetings citizens of Bellport! Rumors have spread like wildfire in this here city and I just want to announce that the rumors are true!" Jayden and I stared at each other with a disturbed look.

"I'm laying down a new law here in Bellport and you're just going to have to live with it. Fifty percent of your food supply will have to come straight to me on a weekly basis."After that horrendous announcement I witnessed a lady faint right in the middle of the crowd, I would have gone to aid her but, I was paralyzed with fear. My entire body felt numb. I sensed that Jayden's body felt the exact same way. I then dawdled over to the library with Jayden so we could process this new information. "I can't believe it", we said in unison.

"I now realize what we have to do," I exclaimed. "We have to stand up not only for us, but Bellport entirely". Jayden nodded his head assertively and we split up in hopes of gathering enough people to stand against Mayor Runswell. Three hours passed which seemed like three days and our courageous army of Bellport citizens armed with rusted, corroded shovels and pitchforks was ready to take action. Jayden and I were leading the pack.

"At the count of three we infiltrate Town Hall!" I shrieked. "One, two, three, , CHARGE!"

The ear shattering clamor of our stampede could be heard throughout Bellport. Several Town Hall officials attempted to prevent our rampage, but to no avail. We were winning at this point and we felt like a million dollars! Grandma's voice popped in my head. Never get too full of yourself, the tables could be turned in an instant, she reminded me. I should've listened to Grandma because a massive, burly man jumped out at us and our morale went from a million to zero with a snap of a finger. Did we lose this battle? No! We can't lose! I didn't come this far just to give up and go home! With one fell swoop I launched a shovel striking the man in the abdomen forcing him to fall to the ground in agonizing pain. A few minutes later we found Mayor Runswell's office and there he was just casually sitting in his leather chair.

"You have nowhere to run, we have you surrounded!", I screamed. My glare could have killed a group of lions. With no knowledge of how to escape the situation, He raised his hands sky high in defeat. Citizens made a makeshift jail cell for Runswell. He's not our mayor any longer! The citizens that didn't aid us in our cause were jaw-dropped as I bursted out of the front door surrounded by pure joy. The smiles on our faces could never be wiped away at this point. I was ecstatic to tell Grandma the good news.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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